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Top 5 Best Fast Hair Growth products in Cameroon for Natural Hair growth


Looking for the best hair growth creams, oils, supplements and supplements in Cameroon to grow your thinning hair, eyebrows, mustache, beard faster in Cameroon??? if yes, then this article was specifically written for you.

In this article, we’ve put together the best selling fast hair growth creams, oils, supplements and supplements in Cameroon to ease your search for the best hair growth cream that will suit your budget.

So whether your aim is to growth your thinning hair or beard fast or faster, these products for fast hair growth in Cameroon will perfectly suit your need.

With the advent of the #teamnatural movement years back and recently the beard gang movement in Cameroon, more women and indeed men are now paying more attention to the way they treat their hair.

We now realize that we can grow healthy, long and full beautiful hair without relying on the expensive artificial Brazilian hair and fake beards.

The question is, however- what are the most effective and therefore best hair growth products in Cameroon currently???

Before we go into the top 5 list, let’s take a look at the some of the qualities of a good hair growth product in Cameroon.

A good hair growth product is;

  • A good hair product helps circulation which in turn stimulate growth
  • Does not have unsafe ingredient-is preferably organic
  • Accessible: You don’t want to purchase a hair growth product, get addicted to it and find you cannot find it anywhere on the internet.

Below are hot selling hair growth products in Cameroon that meet the three main criteria above.

Best Creams & Shampoo for Fast natural hair growth in Cameroon

  1. Chebe Powder and Karka oil

If you want to make your hair look longer and healthier then Chebe powder and karkar oil is the number 1 solution to your problems.

Chebe Powder and Karkar oil is an effective hair growth product which makes both natural and relaxed hair grow fuller and softer. It also stops breakage and retains growth.

Cameroonians who have used it have testified that this hair treatment works wonders and it’s good for both Virgin and relaxed hair. It affordable and very effective.

Key features of Chebe Powder and Karka oil for fast hair growth in Cameroon.

  • It makes scanty hair group faster
  • It makes your hair looks fuller
  • It darker hair
  • it soften hair
  • It removes dandruff
  • It makes natural looks nice & soft
  • It works for both hairs
  • It stops hair breakage
  • It grows edges
  • It strengthen hair
  • It stop itching
  • Chebe powder and karka oil is an organic hair growth product made with 100% natural herbs hence you won’t experience any side effect.

Summarily Chebe powder and karka oil for fast hair growth in Cameroon is an effective all in one solution for hair growth and hair related problems.

Frequently asked questions about Chebe powder and karka oil for fast hair growth in Cameroon

  • Is it suitable for little children?
    Answer: Any child above 12.months can use it.
  • How long does it take for the result to be visible?
    Answer: This depends on the cause of hair problem but most people start seeing changes from the first week of usage.
  • Can it be used to darken grey hair?
    Ans: We don’t have any evidence to prove that yet though some people claim it does, but we are sure that it will give you longer and fuller hair.
  • My hair breaks a lot, can Chebe help?
    Ans: The first major thing that Chebe does is to drastically reduce or even stop hair breakage. This is usually notice from the first application.
  • How do I apply the mixture?
    Please get in touch with your distributor who will put you through and send detailed instructions and video on usage to you.
  • Does it work for baldness or bad edges?
    Ans: Chebe does but the rate of response depends on the cause of hair problem. If baldness is hereditary it takes a very long time before changes can be visible. For ladies with bad edges ,if it was caused by tight hairstyles., it will take an average of four weeks of following chebe instructions religiously before visible results can be seen.
  • Is it only for virgin hair?
    Answer: No , it is for all hair types.
  • How long can I apply Chebe?
    As long as you want or until you achieve your desired length.
  • Does Chebe have a side effect?
    Answer: does not. It is 100% organic.

2) Jamaican Black Castor Oil for fast hair growth in Cameroon

Second on my list of fast hair growth products in Cameroon is the Jamaican Black Castor Oil.


If you are a natural hair enthusiast (like me) then you must have heard about the Jamaican Black Castor Oil as its one of the common fast hair growth products you can easily find at the cosmetic shops in Douala and most big cities of Cameroon. Its a hot selling hair growth product in Cameroon due to its wide range of uses.

Jamaican black castor oil was specifically designed for people suffering from hair loss (alopecia and other hair conditions be it hereditary or not). It can cause the growth of hairs in the bald areas and stop hair loss.

One user of the Jamaican black castor oil who was suffering from a hereditary form of alopecia on her edges, said she applied the oil directly from the bottle to her edges twice daily and got a great result as shown in the before and after photos above. The pictures were taken on April 6 for the before and May 15th. I will update after 6 months to show the progress. She noted that she had this issue for more than 20 years so if it works for her, then it could work for you too.

Jamaican black castor oil is great for growing thinning hair, head hair, beards, mustache and very thin eyebrows fast.

It works by strengthening hair follicles for strong, healthy, beautiful hair…. and adds sheen and luster to your hair with its natural reflective and moisturizing capabilities.

This hair growth oil also creates a protective coating on the skin to seal in moisture and makes hair appear dark and shiny in color.

Some Cameroonians have also noted that its good for growing nails as stated in the product description. It supports nail growth by protecting the nail bed with antifungal properties.

Jamaican black castor oil is also highly sought after by Cameroonians because its effective in growing natural long eyelashes. This makes it good for Cameroonians who love wearing artificial eyelashes.


Only drawback i and other Cameroonians have noticed about this Cameroon hair growth product is the smell. I don’t know if it’s supposed to smell like this or not, but it smells kind of burnt. Like burnt something, I don’t even know what. Maybe like that scent vacuum cleaners give off, let’s call it burnt carpet. I’m not joking. Lol its a weird smell, but everyone’s raving about this oil, so it must work. You just need to suffer through the smell to get the results you want. I just thought it wise to let you know before you purchase this product as you will be using it for weeks or months depending on the result you want.

Secondly, when using the Jamaican black castor oil on your face, you need to be careful because it has been known to clog pores, so be sure to thoroughly clean your skin after each applications because the oil does break out a sensitive skin.

How long will it take for me to start seeing result with the Jamaican black castor oil???

Everyone hair and scalp is different so the duration it would take for you to start seeing result will vary from one person to another. But most Cameroonian have noted that they got their desired result after a month of using the oil.

If your deciding whether to purchase this I would suggest that you give it a try.

Try it! Be consistent and patient and you will definitely get the result you have been craving for and come back here to testify.

3) ALPHA BEARD Growth supplements (60 Capsules)

Like the rest of your body, hair needs an array of vitamins and minerals to grow.

Alpha Beard Hair Vitamins for men ensure optimal nutrient intake so you can grow thick and manly facial hair that is healthy and strong.

Alpha Beard growth vitamins pack (which contains 60 capsules) is a hair growth supplement which enables men to grow stronger, thicker and healthier facial Hair within a short period of time.

Combining a wealth of hair vitamins for faster hair growth and health, this potent formula promotes beard growth by ensuring that you have proper nutritional support.

The special blend of proven ingredients carries nutrients to hair cells faster and promotes circulation to stimulate follicles. Vitamin E and aloe vera work to moisturize the skin so that both old hair and new hair is strong and resistant to split ends. This results in less trimming so your beard can flourish without breakage.

With ginseng working to increase the number of papilla cells, your beard is destined to be thick, full and irresistible to the object of your affection.

ALPHA BEARD Growth supplements also increase elasticity and deter breakage of facial hair with Biotin, B-complex and collagen. This reduces hair thinning and makes your beard more resilient so you can comb and groom it into the manly shape and fullness that you desire.

In addition to that, its EASY TO TAKE and mess-free i.e. Alpha Beard Hair Growth Supplement involves none of the tacky residues or discolored pillowcases that other hair growth products do.

Simply take 2 capsules daily as directed on the label to get the long beard you have been craving for.

Important. Please note:
The ability to grow a beard, or any facial hair is determined by your genetics. If you have patches or areas on your face where hair just won’t grow, that is also your genetics. This product will not fill in the patches. This product will not change your genetics. This product is for those who already have a beard but would like to keep it healthy.

There’s no side effect associated with the usage of ALPHA BEARD Growth supplements.

Capsule is Easy to swallow and has no foul odor nor taste.

Most Cameroonian have noted that they were able to get their desired result within a month.
After this period you will notice Facial hair becoming like that of the viking.

4) Women’s Rogaine 5% Minoxidil Foam for Hair Thinning and Loss, Topical Treatment for Women’s Hair Regrowth in Cameroon.

Women’s Rogaine 5% Minoxidil Foam hair growth treatment was specifically formulated to help treat thinning hair, hair loss and regrow fuller hair in Women.

This fast-working hair growth treatment for women is made with 5% Minoxidil and is clinically proven to regrow more hair by boosting hair follicle activity and hair protein production.

This thinning hair foam contains ingredients which penetrates the scalp to reactivate shrunken hair follicles, allowing for regrowth of hair.

Women’s Rogaine 5% Minoxidil Topical Foam also contains botanical extracts and emollient to help maintain a healthy, conditioned scalp, plus alphahydroxy acid (AHA) to promote natural skin exfoliation to help keep hair follicles open for faster hair growth.

This hot selling hair growth product from the number 1 dermatologist-recommended brand, is ideal for use at the early stages of hair thinning and features Tricho-Prime Technology that works on contact to create a healthy hair regrowth environment.

This highly sought after women’s hair growth treatment product in Cameroon delivers clinically visible results within a short duration of time and comes in an easy-to-apply foam that is specially designed to fit easily into your daily beauty regimen.

5) Propidren hair growth product in Cameroon

Propidren (formulated by American brand; HairGenics) is a fast hair growth product specifically formulated to regrow hair and prevent hair loss by stimulating hair follicles to stop hair loss

Scientific research on hair loss has shown that the number one factor which causes hair loss is the production of dihydrotestosterone or DHT by the body.

For those of you who don’t know, DHT is a molecule inside of your body that’s responsible for hair loss, so prohibiting the production of this hormone is key to preventing hair loss.

Propidren Hair Loss Supplements revolutionary formula contains clinically proven DHT blockers that work synergistically to stop hair loss and help regrow and thicken hair.

This Cameroon hair growth product contains saw palmetto and other powerful dht blockers that help prevent DHT production (which is responsible for hair loss) thereby preventing hair loss.

Saw Palmetto is clinically proven to help stop hair loss and to induce hair regrowth by blocking 5-alpha-reductase, an enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT.

This hair growth product also includes a clinically proven ingredient called Biotin which helps to strengthen weak and brittle hair.

For those of you who don’t know, Biotin is a B Vitamin that produces keratin, increases hair elasticity (minimizing breakage), and wraps your hair in a protective layer to prevent it from becoming brittle and weak. Biotin also helps to induce growth of both your hair and new skin cells, making them healthy and vibrant.

For the best results, use for at least 3 months to see stop hair loss, thicken hair, and see significant hair growth. Some users of Propidren have noted that when this product is used together with the Propidren shampoo, the result is unbelievable or quicker.

NOTE: This hair growth product (available in Cameroon) works for both men and women.

Are you noticing thinning hair on the top or sides of your head? Are you noticing shedding hair on the pillow? Do you stress about losing your hair or have a family history of hair loss? Then you need to get Propidren!

Just take two tablets a day to help block the negative effects of DHT and deliver vital nutrients to nourish the scalp, hair and hair follicles. Its Safe, effective and all natural.

Ok we have come to the end of this article.

If you wish to purchase any of the recommended hair growth products in Cameroon, WhatsApp me and  i will tell you how to get any of the products in Cameroon.


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