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How to Receive Money From Abroad in Cameroon without ID Card


Wondering how to receive money in Cameroon without an ID card??? If yes, then this article was specifically written for you.

Before delving in to this topic, i will like to assure you that its possible to receive money in Cameroon without an ID card. Yes! you read that right.

So if your Cameroon ID card is missing, expired or you can’t get an ID card because your age is below the legal age (<18yrs) to get a National Identity card in Cameroon, you can still receive money in Cameroon without an ID card.

For those of you who don’t know, a National Identity card is a compulsory document for picking up cash sent via Western Union, MoneyGram, WorldRemit and other Money transfer companies.

To pick up cash via Western Union, MoneyGram, WorldRemit etc you will need to provide a photocopy of your valid national identity card hence without a national identity card its impossible to pick up cash in Cameroon (except your father is bank manager or you have a special relationship with the teller).

Maybe you have a good friend abroad who wish to send you money but you can’t receive the money because you are below 18 and not eligible to get an ID card or you are an illegal immigrant in Cameroon who doesn’t have any identification documents. If that is your case, no worries, in this article, I’m going to provide ways through which Cameroonians without an ID card receive money from abroad in Cameroon.

Without any further delay, let’s get down to business.

1) PayPal – Receive Money in Camerooon without ID using PayPal.

The best means through which Cameroonians or anyone in Cameroon without National ID card or any identification documents can use to receive money from abroad, is PayPal.

For those of you don’t know, PayPal is a website or an App which enables Cameroonians and people around the world to send and receive money.

With PayPal, you can receive money and cash out your PayPal fund without you going to a bank i.e. NO ID card is needed to receive money via PayPal. All you need is a Mobile Money account to cash out your PayPal fund.

Somebody may likely want to ask, how does PayPal Cameroon work?

To receive money in Cameroon via PayPal (without an ID), first you will need to create a PayPal account that receives money. If you wish to get a PayPal account that receives money, WhatsApp me and i will set up a PayPal account for you.

After you have created a PayPal account, send your PayPal email to the person abroad who wish to send you money.

After the money has been sent and is available in your PayPal account, you can then cash out the money via a reputable PayPal exchanger in Cameroon.

PayPal exchangers are internet entrepreneurs who converts PayPal funds to MoMo cash. They are mostly Cameroonians who have a verified PayPal account that supports withdraws.

To cash out your PayPal fund using the PayPal exchangers in Cameroon, you just need to send/transfer the amount of money you wish to cash out, to a PayPal exchanger in Cameroon

The PayPal exchanger will then withdraw the money and send it back to you through Mobile Money or you can make arrangement to pick the money from the PayPal exchanger in cash.

However it should be noted that the PayPal exchangers in Cameroon have their own exchange rate which is often slightly lower than the normal exchange rates used by the banks in Cameroon hence the money you will receive from the PayPal exchangers will be slightly lower.

For example if you wish to cash out (withdraw) $100 from your PayPal account via a PayPal exchanger in Cameroon, he or she may use 400frs/$ exchange rate (instead of the standard exchange rate) hence you will end up receiving 40,000 frs CFA instead of 54839.03 (the amount you would have received if you collected the money via Western Union, MoneyGram, WorldRemit etc) with the standard exchange rate (548.39/$).

Summarily, you can receive money in Cameroon without an ID card using PayPal with the help of the PayPal exchangers in Cameroon; who will help you to cash out your PayPal fund via Mobile Money or you can receive in Cash if you are located in the same town.

Procedures to receive money in Cameroon through PayPal without an ID Card..

  • Create a PayPal account that receives money (if you can’t create one, hire me)
  • Send your PayPal email to anybody who wish to send you money.
  • After receiving the money, contact a PayPal exchanger in Cameroon to exchange your PayPal fund for cash.

If you are in need of a PayPal exchanger to sell or cash out your PayPal fund at the best exchange rate, contact Cameroon For Sale PayPal exchangers. We cash out PayPal funds using an exchange rate that is similar to that of the banks and you can receive your money in Cash or via Mobile Money.

Wanna know why Cameroon For Sale is the best PayPal exchanger in Cameroon?

Check it out!

  • We offer the best exchange rate
  • We deliver in 24hours
  • We have no hidden charges
  • Transparent with fees
  • You will get almost what you would have gotten if you were withdrawing by yourself

The Amount you will receive from us will be less than the amount sent due to PayPal charges;

PayPal charges 4.4% + $0.30 for receiving fee and $5 for card withdrawal.

The exchange rate used by us will also be slightly lower than the standard bank exchange rate.

If you are satisfied with the above information, then you are ready to transact with us.

How to Exchange your PayPal fund for cash with Cameroon For Sale (CFS PayPal exchangers in Cameroon)

1) After receiving money via PayPal, contact us via WhatsApp to brief us about your transaction i.e. tell us the amount you wish to cash out from your PayPal account.
2) After informing us about the amount you wish to cash out, we will give you our PayPal email for you to send us the Paypal cash from your account.
3) Once the money has been successfully transferred to our PayPal account, send us a message on WhatsApp to confirm the transaction. Your message should contain PayPal email, order number, amount sent, MoMo Number and name associated with the MoMo number.
4) After confirmation of transfer, will then forward the money to your MoMo account.

We will deliver your money to your MoMo account in 24 hours after confirmation of transfer.

Note: The minimum amount we exchange is $50, any thing less than than will be refunded back to your PayPal account.

This service is strictly available only in Cameroon.

Apart from the people without ID, our PayPal exchanger service will also solve the problem of freelancers and internet entrepreneurs who are not able to withdraw their PayPal cash.

2) WorldRemit Wire Transfer agent (Receive Money in Cameroon without ID via a WorldRemit Wire transfer pick up agent)

Another reliable means which anybody without ID in Cameroon can conveniently receive money from abroad in Cameroon, is by using the services of WorldRemit Wire Transfer agents in Cameroon.

For those of you who don’t know, WorldRemit makes it possible for Cameroonians to receive money in Cameroon via their bank accounts; which is a very convenient way of receiving money…far better than the pick up option which requires that a recipients visits a bank and stand in a queue before picking up cash using ID cards.

Since its very easy to receive money in Cameroon via WorldRemit bank transfer option, many Cameroonians called WorldRemit Wire Transfer pick up agent, will allow other Cameroonians to use their bank accounts to receive money from abroad via WorldRemit for a little token.

As of March 12, 2021, only the UBA bank account holders in Cameroon can receive money from abroad via the WorldRemit bank transfer option and the maximum amount per transfer is XAF 1,000,000.

Money sent via WorldRemit bank transfer option, is often deposited in a recipient’s bank account within 1 business day (24 hours).

What information do I need from a WorldRemit bank transfer pick up agent to receive money using their service?

  • Full name of the recipient (WorldRemit bank transfer pick up agent): The sender will be expected to enter the recipient’s full name. To avoid any delays, the recipient’s name should match the name on their bank statement exactly.
  • Address: The sender will be expected to enter the recipient’s city in the money transfer slip/form.
  • Account details: The sender will be expected to enter the recipient’s bank account details i.e. (1) branch name, (2) bank code, (2) branch code and (4) account number- usually 12-14 digits.
  • Mobile number :The sender will be expected to enter the recipients Phone number. WorldRemit will use this to send an SMS notification to your recipient informing them that their funds have been credited.
  • Sending reason: The sender is expected to indicate the purpose of the money i.e. whether it is “family or friend support,” “purchase of services,” “property payment,” or “sending fund to self”.
    Email (optional): WorldRemit will use this to send an email to the recipient with details of the transaction. This is particularly useful in case they have issues receiving the SMS notifications.

After obtaining the bank transfer details from the WorldRemit bank transfer pick up agent, simply send it to anyone abroad who wish to send you money.

Once the money has been successfully transferred to the bank account of the WorldRemit bank transfer pick up agent, the pick up agent will then transfer the money to your MTN mobile money account.

For those of you who don’t know, UBA Cameroon offers bank account to MoMo transfer service; which makes it possible for the UBA bank account holders in Cameroon to easily transfer money from their bank accounts to an MTN mobile money account.

This bank account to MoMo transfer service, makes it possible for the WorldRemit bank transfer pick up agent to swiftly fund the MoMo accounts of their clients barely few minutes after receiving their money.

Transferring money from a UBA bank account to a MoMo account, is extremely easy and fast i.e. its just a matter of typing a series of USSD code on a mobile phone.

If you will like to receive money from abroad via this WorldRemit bank transfer option, simply WhatsApp us and we will give you our bank details to send to the sender.

NOTE: We only offer this service to Cameroonians who wish to receive money from family and friends abroad. In other words business transfers isn’t allowed hence we must know the purpose of the money (sending reason) before we can allow you to use our bank transfer service to receive money.

3) Cash Pick up without ID in Cameroon with the help of a close relation or friend with a valid ID.

This is the common method which many people without a valid ID in Cameroon have been using to receive money in Cameroon.

If you don’t have a valid ID, Passport or a driving license, you can receive money in Cameroon with the help of a close relation or friend with a valid identification document; who will help you to pick up the cash.

Send the name, phone number and Address of the close relation or friend to the person who wish to send you money.

Note: The name of the recipient should be the exact name and in the order found on their national identity card or else they won’t be able to pick up cash.

This is the cheapest means which anybody without ID in Cameroon can use to receive money

Just like the other pick options mentioned above, when choosing a recipient, you must ensure that the recipient is a trustworthy person and not somebody who will receive your money and vanish….and as a person without ID, there would be nothing you can do to retrieve your money since you don’t even have an ID.

Secondly if the recipient is a talkative, he or she will disclose information about your financial transaction and this will make you prone to robbery.

So the recipient must be a trustworthy person (i mean a holyman) and a person who doesn’t disclose confidential info.

Ok those are the 3 ways through which anybody in Cameroon can use to receive money in Cameroon without ID (without the stress of going to the bank and standing in a queue).

Somebody may likely want to ask, What’s the best way to receive money in Cameroon without any identification documents???

Choose the method which suits your need.






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