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Watson International is a scam – Don’t ship China to Cameroon with this company


What you need to know about Watson International – China to Cameroon Shipping agent before you think of patronizing the company.

If you are here at this moment then you are probably pondering on whether to patronize Watson International or not.

And you may have the following questions in your mind;

Is Watson International a reliable company or a scam??

Will my package get delivered on time???

Does Watson International has a good customer service???

In this article, i will share my first and last experience shipping with Watson International China to Cameroon shipping agent so that you can tell if the company is a shipping company worth working with.

How did i get to know about this China to Cameroon shipping company; Watson International???

This China shipping agent was actually introduced to me by a student in my China mini importation masterclass.

I presented a list of reliable shipping agents in China to the student and he said he has a cheaper option; Watson International that charges 6850 frs per KG for air shipping and it takes 10 days for packages to arrive Cameroon.

Immediately searched for Watson International on Facebook and i found their Facebook page.

After arriving at their Facebook page, i had to browse through lots of posts to check if i could see a comment from a client talking about their service but didn’t see any and the likes on their posts were not many.

Most of their posts had a maximum of 5 likes and their Facebook page (created since 2018) had just 700 likes.

The aforementioned findings, raises a red flag that the company could be an unscrupulous company but i decided to give that a blind eye and proceeded to contact the WhatsApp number associated with Watson International Facebook page.

Its often said that its not good to judge a book by its cover.

When i sent a message to the WhatsApp number, it took less than an hour for me to receive a reply and the person in charge of customer service (a lady) actually answered all my questions and this greatly boost my confidence in the company coupled with the fact that Watson International has a website.

The main reason which enticed me to use Watson International, is because the customer service revealed that the company offers consolidation service; which is a service that most shipping agents in China don’t offer.

So i asked for the address of their warehouse in China and sent to my supplier.

My supplier processed my order, ship out my package to the warehouse and gave me a tracking number.

Within 4 business days, the package arrived at the warehouse of Watson International in China.

However I had to wait for 10 days before contacting the company to confirm receipt and delivery with the hope that within that timeframe, the product would have arrived Cameroon.

To my greatest surprise, when i contacted the customer service girl to ask her to confirmed receipt, i started getting cock and bull stories.

First, they told me that they haven’t received the package and when i sent them the tracking number, they said the package must be in their warehouse in China.

They later ask what’s the content of the package and i told them.

In response, the customer service said, their company has stopped shipping the item in my package.

And i told them that a student of mine told me that he recently shipped the same product from China to Cameroon using Watson International.

And by the time i was making inquiries about my package, the student was already selling the products.

Nevertheless, I said fine, if the company doesn’t ship that kind of item, they should return the package back to my supplier in China so that i can use another shipping agent to get the package shipped to Cameroon.

In response, the customer service said the person in charge of their warehouse in China is asking for proof of delivery and this greatly annoyed me.

The tracking number of my package already indicates that the package got delivered 10 days ago.

Its now left for the company (Watson International) to confirm delivery by sending me pics of the package in their warehouse or simply acknowledged that they have received the package.

That is what most reputable shipping agents in China do.

After engaging in fruitless conversation with the customer service, I later asked for the contact of the person in charge of the warehouse in China.

And they sent me a business card that contains 3 numbers and asked me to contact the phone number of Herve.

I sent Herve a message on WhatsApp to inquire about the status of my package but the guy read my message and didn’t reply.

At this juncture, i was now convinced that i was dealing with an unscrupulous company.

After waiting for a reply for almost an hour, i decided to call his number.

I called many times and he didn’t answer.

And sometimes when i call, i get a message that he is answering another call.

After making several calls, the guy blocked my number on WhatsApp.

Imagine a company blocking the number of a client whose package is in their warehouse.

After the guy in charge of Watson International Warehouse in China; Herve Ngode, blocked my number, i had to tell my supplier in China (who shipped out the product to their address) to also contact him to make inquiries.

My supplier (Cherry) sent a message to Herve Ngode via WeChat to make inquiry about the package and the guy said the package left China on the 19th of August.

Remember!, the company earlier told me that they haven’t received my package and that they don’t ship the type of item in the package.

What happened that its now on the way???

To cut a long short, I’m at the verge of dragging to court their agent in charge of customer service in Cameroon; Audrey Linda Talla who lured me to this scam.

Their agent Audrey Talla; who uses the WhatsApp number:691855485 with a fake name on WhatsApp; Belinda, is very good at luring potential victims to patronize this company.

She will promptly answer all your questions and this would make you think that the company is a reputable one but its not.

She will also entice you with a low shipping fee and give you an address to send to your supplier(s) in China.

When your package (s) gets shipped to their address in China, that’s when your problem begins.

They will start telling you funny stories claiming that they haven’t received your package even when the tracking details shows that they received it.

In my case, their agent in Cameroon, Audrey Linda Talla told me that my package could be in their warehouse in China and demanded to know the content of the package.

When i told her the content of the package, she said they don’t ship the type of item in my package.

I made it clear to her that its not my fault. If they would have published a list of items that they don’t ship, i wouldn’t have sent my package to the address she gave me.

They would have published the list on their website or Facebook page.

I said ok, no problem, tell the people in charge of receiving packages in China to return my package back to my supplier so that i can use my normal shipping agent to ship the package to Cameroon.

The matter now took another turn.

The shipping agent in Cameroon responded saying that i should request for proof of delivery from my supplier and i told her that my supplier has already shipped the package and provided a tracking number and the tracking details clearly indicates that the package was successfully delivered to the address you gave me.

For those of you who don’t know, tracking number is the ultimate proof of delivery when it comes to logistics.

If the tracking details of a package shows that it has been delivered, then the receiver, has received it.

My package was shipped by my supplier via STO Express on the 8th of August and the package arrived at their address in China on the 12th of August, 2022.

And the address used by my supplier was the exact address that their customer service girl Audrey Linda Talla sent to me via WhatsApp and its the same address found on their business card.

I just copied it and sent to my supplier.

After making a series of inquiries from them, i decided to ask my supplier to contact their chef bandit in China; Herve Ngode, who finally admitted that they received the package.

He knew that if would have said he hasn’t received the package, the company wouldn’t would have gotten him arrested.

If i wasn’t an experienced importer, i woundn’t have known what to do.

Mind you, if you repeatedly call them to make inquiries about your package after it has arrived their warehouse, you would be blocked and if you try to get help from the lady whose WhatsApp number is associated with this page, she will tell you that the issue is beyond her control, which is an indirect way to tell victims that they have been scammed.

Please stay off Watson International if you are not willing to lose your hard earned money.

I wished i read a review like this.

There are reputable shipping agents like JFI Express, Choice Logistics, JSM Cargo and others that will get your package shipped from China to Cameroon without any issue… and i have been using JFI Express successfully before a student of mine referred me to Watson International scammers and i decided to give them a try because of their extremely low shipping fee and consolidation service; that turned out to be a bait used by the company to entice victims.

Don’t be enticed by the low shipping fee or whatever they offer.

Don’t get enticed by the videos and pictures you see on their Facebook page.

You can’t afford to lose hundreds of thousands or millions because you are trying to save little cash on shipping.

Ship with the well known shipping agents with good customer feedbacks.

Watson International is an unscrupulous company. I won’t recommend their service even to an enemy.

Its a company that is looking for the slightest opportunity to steal the packages of their clients. Unfortunately they tried their scheme on the wrong person.

As you read this post, the girl in charge of customer service, has unlinked her WhatsApp from the Facebook page and doesn’t read nor reply my messages.

Stay off this Watson International Company.

A word to a wise is sufficient!

Update on this case 3rd September, 2022.

I have receive a call from Express Cargo that my package is at their office in Camairco.

What the heck is Express Cargo???

How did my package get to them???

After doing a research, i found out that the Express Cargo is another freight forwarding company that ships goods from China to Cameroon.

From every indication, Watson International scammers received my package and used a company i know nothing about to ship the item to Cameroon.

However i will go to the office of Express Cargo to check the package and then decide on what step to take.

You can now see that Watson International is an unscrupulous company.

It should be noted that the company no longer replies my message and i also noticed that the unscrupulous lady who lured me in to this scam; Audrey Linda Talla has unlinked her WhatApp number from Watson International Facebook page in an attempt to dissociate herself from the company after I notified her about an imminent lawsuit against her.

However before she did so, my lawyer had already drew the attention of the police to the fact that her number is linked to Watson International Facebook page and that’s how I contacted her.

The police also went through chats. My lawyer was 10 times smarter.

I believe if i didn’t threatened to sue their customer service girl, i would have become one of their victims.

They have transferred my package to another company and stopped replying my message.

Watson International is championing a new scam in Cameroon with China importers being their target.

They post pictures, write ups and videos on their Facebook page that makes their targets feel that the company is reliable but its like wolves in sheep clothing.

They also entice mini importers with a low shipping fee.

I was enticed by their low shipping fee and now I’m regretting my move.

Don’t fall prey to this company.

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