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When will GCE result 2022 be out in Cameroon (Find out)


As we get closer to the D-day, the number of messages we receive from our 2022 GCE candidates keep increasing and the most popular is “When will GCE result 2022 be out in Cameroon?

Other questions we often get from candidates include;

*** How do I check my GCE results 2022 online????
*** Where and how can i download the 2022 Cameroon GCE results PDF file.
*** How to make money from the Cameroon GCE Results
*** Best sites to get the 2022 GCE results quicker.

In this article, i will answer all the frequently asked questions about the 2022 Cameroon GCE results.

Without any further delay, let me begin with th first question…

*** When will GCE results 2022 be released???

The official date for the release of the 2022 Cameroon GCE Results has not been announced by the Cameroon GCE Board.

However pundits are optimistic that the highly awaited 2022 GCE Results Cameroon PDF would be released on August 21st, 2022

However pundits are optimistic that the highly awaited 2022 Cameroon GCE Results PDF would be published by the end of August, 2022 (like it happened last year).

It should be recalled that last year (in 2021), Cameroon GCE results was published on the 21st of August 2021. We strongly believe the Cameroon GCE Board will stick to that date this year hence the results of the 2022 Cameroon GCE will also be released on the 21st (remember this is just a probability)

Nevertheless we are closely following up the activities of the Cameroon GCE Board to ensure that we don’t miss out on any info regarding the release of the 2022 Cameroon GCE results.

Meanwhile on the 9th of August,2022 we got reports that dozens of teachers who rectified the scripts of the 2022 General Certificate of Education Examination, GCE in Buea are stranded over non-payment of GCE marking fee.

This is after education officials did not meet their own part of the bargain.

They failed to pay their script dues, narrated one of the teachers in frustration.

“Teachers who marked the 2022 session of the GCE A level at the Presbyterian Comprehensive Secondary School, PCSS Buea marking centre have not been paid their script dues. Many of them are stranded on campus and no authority is making a statement.”

The disgruntle teacher (who took part in the marking exercise) added that…

“They had to pay us yesterday but later told us to come today 09/08/22 at midday. We have been there since then yet no one is making a statement. To make matters worst teachers have been sent out of the waiting room to stand outside with the rains and cold in Buea.”

This is not the first time GCE markers in Cameroon are facing similar ordeals.

However we can’t say if this delay in the payment of marking fee of teachers will delay the release of the 2022 Cameroon GCE results.

*** Why does every GCE candidate want to know the day that the GCE results would be released???

The answer is simple.

Knowing the exact day that GCE results would be released will enable candidates to handle the excitement and shock that comes when GCE results are released in Cameroon.

Secondly every candidate wants to know the exact date so as to be the first to check his or her 2022 GCE result.

You obviously don’t want a friend or your parents to check and give you the results of the 2022 Cameroon GCE results before you do.

Its more exciting when you get to know that you have passed the 2022 Cameroon GCE by yourself and deliver the message to your parents and love ones first before they start getting the info from other people.

In fact checking it by yourself is better because you obviously want to get the truth or confirmed that you have passed the GCE and check your grades rather than relying on other people who may not bring you the right info.

Some may even tell you that you have failed the Cameroon GCE and you start getting worried whereas you have passed it with good grades.

Checking the 2022 Cameroon GCE results (O levels and A levels) by yourself is also good because it gives you the privilege to become a messenger of good news on the D-day i.e. you can quickly get the results of your friends who have passed the 2022 Cameroon GCE results (O levels and A levels) and go to their houses to deliver the good news. This might fetch you a bottle of top and why not cash (MOMO).

You know the excitement that comes when a family knows that their relation has passed the Cameroon GCE. They automatically become cheerful givers.

*** How to make money from the 2022 Cameroon GCE results

Aside breaking good news to your friends and relations for Tops and MoMo, you can also make cool cash when the 2022 Cameroon GCE results are out if you know how to check the 2022 GCE results online.

When it would be announced on the radio and TV stations that the 2022 Cameroon GCE results O level and A level has been published, one of the questions that candidates as well as parents often ask is How do I check my GCE results online???

This therefore presents an opportunity for you to make money.

If you are very quick to get the Cameroon GCE results PDF, you can actually download it to your laptop and position yourself in a strategic place; where candidates can easily locate you to check their Cameroon GCE results.

This type of business is very common on the D-day and those involved in the business make huge amount of money.

Some people even collect as high as 1000frs CFA from people who wish to check results.

That’s money (two top) you can use for celebration if you knew how to check the 2022 Cameroon GCE results by yourself.

*** How do I check my GCE results 2022 online????

The easiest way to get the results of the 2022 Cameroon GCE results is online.

Other mediums include, News Papers and Radio announcements.

Some candidates go to their schools to get the GCE results.

The two options you can consider is the online option (GCE results 2022 PDF) and the new paper option. These two options will enable you to get your GCE results fast without you developing high blood before you get the good news.

Somebody may likely want to ask, why not radio stations???

You don’t want to hear And….in four papers before your name is read by the journalist.

Those candidates in the 90’s who got their GCE results from the Radio stations already know the tensions involved. However its far more exciting when a whole family screams at the mention of the name of their relation on the radio and they can jointly console the candidate if the result didn’t come as they expected.

In this article, I’m going to show you how to check the 2022 Cameroon GCE results online; which is the best option.

And why is it the best???

With the online option, you can check your 2022 Cameroon GCE results barely few minutes after the results have been published and you can do this from the comfort of your home and using your android phone. And its very easy to check your GCE results with the online option.

All you need to do is to download the Cameroon GCE results 2022 PDF file to your mobile phone and start start checking your GCE results.

Requirements to check the Cameroon GCE results 2022 online.

Like I have hinted earlier, not everyone is eligible to check the Cameroon GCE results online.

To be eligible to check, you must meet the following requirements

1) You must have an Android phone or a laptop
2) You must have an internet connection to be able to download the 2O22 Cameroon GCE results PDF file
3) You must be able to follow basic instructions.

So How do we check our GCE results online???

Below are the procedures to Check the Cameroon GCE results 2022 online

1) Install a PDF reader App or software on your Laptop, Android phone or Apple IOS smartphone.

For those who don’t know the PDF reader will enable you to open the GCE results 2022 PDF file.

Just like the previous years, the 2022 Cameroon GCE results would be released online in downloadable PDF file.

And without a PDF reader, you can’t open the PDF file on your phone or PC to check your results.

However nowadays most smartphones comes with PDF reader apps already installed on them. If yours already has it, there’s no need to install another PDF App on your phone.

And if you already have a PDF reader software (like the common Adobe PDF reader) installed on your PC or laptop then you don’t need to install another PDF reader. You are ready to go.

2) Download the Cameroon GCE results 2022 PDF file for O level and A level based on your choice.

Whenever news emerges that the results of the Cameroon GCE results has been released, the problem of where to download the Cameroon GCE results 2022 PDF file becomes a major issue to most candidates.

Below are 4 reliable sources where you can easily get the 2022 Cameroon GCE results.

1) Cameroon GCE Board Official website (

As soon as you get news that the 2022 Cameroon GCE results has been released, the first place look for the GCE results PDF file, is on the website of the Cameroon GCE Board.

We all know that the Cameroon GCE Board is in charge of the GCE examination hence its obvious that their website would be the number 1 source for the PDF file for the GCE results.

2) CRTV Official website (

CRTV.CM is another reliable platform where you can quickly download the 2022 GCE results PDF file.

We all know that CRTV is the national TV station hence its logical that when the results have been compiled and ready to publish, their website would be a good platform for the Cameroon GCE board to use to disseminate the results to candidates.


When the Cameroon GCE results PDF files are released, we quickly get the GCE result files from the two reliable sources and publish them on this website.

So when you hear that the 2022 Cameroon GCE results have been released you can come back to this article and get the result.


This is another reliable platform where candidates can get the results of the 2022 Cameroon GCE.

How its not as easy as the 3 aforementioned platforms due to the tons of Ads on the website.

Ok now that you know the sources where you can download the Cameroon GCE results PDF file, its time to check our 2022 GCE results.

How to check the 2022 Cameroon GCE results PDF File and Get the results

At this stage, i assume that you have already downloaded the 2022 Cameroon GCE results PDF File on your smartphone or PC.

If you have done so, then the downloaded GCE results PDF file must be in the download folder of your smartphone or PC depending on the device you used.

To check your GCE results, simply locate the GCE results PDF file and click/tap on it to open the file.

When the file is opened, you will likely find tons of names of successful candidates in the file.

How do you check if your name is on the list???

You can easily check your name by using the search bar of the PDF reader.

Type your full name or center number (as found on your slip) in the search bar of the PDF reader and click/tap on search and you will find your name in the list indicating that if you have passed the 2022 Cameroon GCE but if your name is not in the list a message will pop up on your screen which says ERROR or name can’t be found or is missing.

If you can’t find your name using the search bar, don’t start getting worried that you have failed the GCE.

If you can’t locate your name via the search bar, type your center number in to the search bar and you would be taken to the section where the names of successful candidates who wrote in your center has been published. You can then check your name manually.

If you have passed the 2022 Cameroon General certificate of Education exam, i say Congratulation to you but if you have failed, i urge you to take heart and try again.

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