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Best Products for Stretch Marks Removal in Cameroon – Stretch mark kits/creams


Looking for the best stretch mark cream in Cameroon for stretch marks removal or to prevent occurring ones ? if yes, then this article was specifically written for you. In this article I’m going to recommend effective stretch mark creams in Cameroon that will get rid of the your stretch mark within a short timeframe.

Before delving in to the main topic, i will like to reassure you that stretch mark is a common skin issue in Cameroon that has a remedy hence if you have stretch marks, there’s no need to be worried as you can easily get rid of the stretch mark and regain your glowing skin.

Somebody may likely want to ask, what is stretchmark and what causes stretchmark???

A stretch mark is a type of scar that develops when our skin stretches or shrinks quickly. The sudden stretching of the skin causes the collagen and elastin, which support our skin, to rupture causing long, narrow streaks, stripes or lines to appear on the skin which differs in hue from the surrounding skin.

Simply put, when a person grows or gains weight really quickly (like during puberty or pregnancy period), that person may get fine lines on the body called stretch marks.

For example a lady with a slim body stand a risk of developing stretchmark if she suddenly gains too much weight after getting pregnant or after she puts to birth.

When the skin is stretched beyond its elastic limit, stretch mark is bound to develop as the skin tries to adapt to the pressure mounted on the specific area of the body…. and when the pressure is released, the skin returns back to normal with fine lines which indicates that the skin had expanded beyond its limit.

Naturally stretch marks fade away with time as the skin will gradually return back to normal.

However, stretch marks treatment (stretch mark cream/kits) may make them less noticeable more quickly.

So, if you are not patient enough to wait for your skin to return back to normal, you can get a stretch mark cream/kit in Cameroon to fade the stretch mark. In addition to that, stretching mark cream can also prevent stretch marks from developing on your skin.

Below are effective stretch marks products in Cameroon that will quickly fade your stretch mark and enable you to regain your glowing skin within a short time frame.

1) Flabelle Stretch Marks cream and Scars Cleanser.

This stretch mark kit (which consist of a stretch marks/scars cream and cleanser) formulated by Flabelle (Cameroon’s fast rising skincare brand) has proven to be very effective in fading/reducing stretch marks.

Flabelle Stretch Marks & Scars Cleanser and cream help with existing stretch marks and also prevent occurring ones.
Works even for pregnant women.

Flabelle Stretch marks/scars cleanser will exfoliate your skin (remove dirt and dead skin cells which may have clog your pores) thereby making it possible for the Flabelle Stretch Marks /scars cream to seep in to your skin and fade the stretch marks. Hence the two stretch marks products work together (to effectively fade the lines, get the stretch marks kit).

If you are interested in purchasing Flabelle stretch marks removal kit in Cameroon, WhatsApp me.

2) Longrich Cameroon Stretch Marks removal kit

Longrich International (one of the top organic skincare brands in the world) also formulates very effective stretch marks treatment products; which are currently being used by many Cameroonians to solve their stretch mark issues.

Longrich skincare experts have noted that product combination which consist of the Longrich Bamboo Charcoal Soap, Snake oil and the Longrich SOD cream, can fade stretch marks within a short period of time.

Use the Longrich Charcoal Bamboo soap to scrub area were you have the stretch marks to remove dirt and dead skin cells.

After exfoliating the area with stretch marks, massage the area using the Longrich snake oil and later apply the Longrich SOD cream on the spot. If you perform this skincare routine consistently for a month, you will notice that the stretch marks are fading. You have to use as a set.

If you are interested in buying the Longrich stretch mark kit, WhatsApp me and i will tell you where to buy the Longrich stretchmarks & Scars removal kit anywhere in Cameroon.

3) MABSS Stretch Marks removal set.

MABSS stretch marks removal set (which consist of a stretch marks removal serum and other MABSS custom made products) is arguably the most effective stretch marks removal kit often recommended for Cameroonians with stretch marks.

For those of you who haven’t heard, MABSS LLC, is Cameroon’s Number 1 organic skin care brand based in USA…noted for formulating many effective SPA grade skin care products which has produced many jaw dropping testimonies.

One of the reasons why MABSS products are very effective in solving skin issues (stretch marks, acne, dark spots etc), is the fact that MABSS only formulates custom made organic skincare products.

Unlike other Cameroonian skin care brands, MABSS doesn’t store ready made products on their shelf i.e they formulates products on demand.

In otherwords before they can sell you their Stretch Marks removal set, they first of all, need to consult you, to know your skin type and then they will formulate products that will solve your specific skin issue without you experiencing any side effect.

Many Cameroonians have testified that MABSS stretch marks serum is very effective in fading stretch marks but you have to use as a set to get a good result.

Below are jaw dropping before and after photos from happy MABSS customers.

To order MABSS stretch marks removal set, you just need to contact them via their Instagram or Facebook page for free consultation…after which they will formulate a stretch mark removal set (which consist of the stretch marks serum).

Ok those are the top 3 Cameroonian stretch mark cream/kits that i often recommend to Cameroonians with stretch marks.

To conclude, i will like to make it very clear that stretch mark cream/kits only help fade those lines thereby making it possible for the skin to quickly return to normal.

Please beware of anyone (skin care brand) promising to offer stretch mark removal products in Cameroon that would reverse your stretch marks overnight. Such products doesn’t exist reasons when they are faded you can still see the faint lines.

To completely get rid of the fine lines, nourish your skin and make sure you consume and apply more collagen.

Note – Naturally the stretch marks can disappear without any stretch mark treatment. However this may take a long time. Cameroonian Stretch marks removal creams/kits will only speed up the fading of your stretch marks.

Let me wrap up this post by giving you the main causes of stretch marks (just like most Cameroonians always say, “prevention is better than cure”).

Common reasons which causes Cameroonians to develop stretchmarks.

  • Sudden Weight Gain

The normal skin is usually elastic and is able to return back to its normal position after stretching.

However, when the skin is undergoes changes due to weight gain or pregnancy the elastic limit of the skin is exceeded and this causes uneven marks on different part of the skin.

  • Skin Condition

Another defining factor that predispose a person to stretch mark is dry skin. Dry skin makes the skin less elastic compared to moisturized skin.

Hence little expansion of the skin causes uneven marks to appear on the skin.

If you are someone who have dry flaking skin it best you use moistruizers as they help you maintain an healthy skin.

To prevent stretch marks it is important to use moisturizers as it help to ensure that the skin is more elastic.

  • Genes

As with most diseases, gene is a factor that predisposes people to having stretch mark. This means you’re more likely to get stretch marks if your parents have them. This isn’t the end of the world as exercise and taking the right diet helps to reduce your risk of having stretch marks.

  • Skin Colour

Another factor linked to one being susceptible to having stretch marks is the colour of one’s skin. Various studies has shown that people who are fair are less prone to having stretch mark than dark people.

  • Dry Skin

Dry skin is less elastic than healthy, well-hydrated skin. If your skin is moisturized, you are less likely to develop stretch marks, as your skin can adapt to changes in your body weight and shape more easily.

If you are prone to stretch marks, make sure you use a moisturizing product after you shower every day to help seal in moisture. Also, eat a nutritious diet, with plenty of antioxidants such as vitamin A and C to help.

Ok we have come to the end of this article, if you wish to ask any question related to this topic or wish to order a Cameroonian stretch mark cream/kit, WhatsApp me.


  1. I have stretch marks all over my body is on my breast, first join of my hands all over my buttuk, behind my knee but not that pronounced only that of my buttuk has become black and it’s extremely entendx to my labs. Please help me with the cure so I could be free from such

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