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How to Start an online Hair business in Cameroon


Are you thinking of starting a hair extension business in Cameroon? Or may be the kind of hair business idea you are looking at is wig business.

Read this article to the end cuz in this article I am going to teach you how to start and run a profitable hair extension business or wig business in Cameroon.

The focus of this article would be about to how to import high quality hair extension from China and how to market them via digital marketing.

I know you must have been terrified by the word CHINA and IMPORTATION…and felt like…this business is not for me…LOL.

We (as Cameroonians) have been made to believe that every product that comes from China must be of very low quality or doesn’t last long, which is very wrong.

The reason why the Cameroon market is flooded with low quality Chinese products is because the Cameroonian importers (entrepreneurs) don’t take their quality time to source quality products.

Some specifically go for the extremely cheap low grade Chinese products with the hope of selling them in Cameroon “sharp sharp”. They do so because they know that Cameroonians love cheap stuffs and won’t bother to check the quality of products before buying.

It will surprise you to know that this same China that most Cameroonians have downgraded, is the same place where most business men and online vendors in USA are getting their products.

The difference between their importers and ours is that they take their quality time to source products from China. Unlike ours  that don’t check quality. They are just searching for the cheapest stuff that they can easily sell in Cameroon.

Most importers in the US, UK and other nations have the habit of ordering samples from China first before ordering in bulk. They will import 1 or 2 pieces of a particular product from China and check the quality.

Once they have confirmed that a particular product is of high quality, they can then import a huge quantity of the products and do their branding to make the products appear as if they were made in USA…and the main reason why the US importers always ensure they get high quality stuffs from China, is because of the nature of their market.

Customers in the US have an eye for quality stuff hence it would be very hard for them to sell the low grade  Chinese products that the Cameroonian importers are importing in to Cameroon.

Some business men in Cameroon often brag that “I DI IMPORT MY PRODUCTS FROM USA, NO BE CHINA”.

It will surprise them to know that their US supplier is sourcing products from China.

What the US suppliers do, is source quality products from China and brand them. This makes people think they were manufactured in USA meanwhile they were manufactured in China…and because we have the impression that everything of high quality can’t come from China, we don’t even bother to do research about the products from US. But if you check carefully, you will see Chinese writings on the products.

Another wrong impression that most Cameroonians have, is about the IMPORTATION business.

Many Cameroonians are under the impression that importation is for the business tycoons with very huge amount of capital and this has made many not to give importation business a thought.

Whenever i propose a mini importation business to most Cameroonians, they first of all show a lack of concern for the topic and this is because once they hear the word IMPORTATION, the mental picture of a shipping container comes to their mind.

Many Cameroonians are not aware of the fact that its also possible to do importation in a mini scale with as little as 50,000frs and this type of importation is called mini importation.

Mini importation is gradually getting popular in Cameroon and a handful of Cameroonians are already eating a fair share of the cake.

Like most people always say, early birds eats the fattest worm.

Before delving in to the main topic, let me first of all begin by explaining what mini importation is all about, so that you can get a clear picture of how hair importation business can be done with as little as 50k and fetch you a profit of more than 500k.

So what is mini importation of hair extension in Cameroon???

Mini importation stems from the term IMPORTATION, which can be defined as an act or instance of bringing in goods into Cameroon from other countries with the aim of selling them in Cameroon and making good profits.

There are two types of importations which include MINI AND MACRO importation.

Macro importation is what most Cameroonians are aware of, hence when somebody says my brother or sister is an importer, the mental image that first comes to our mind, is a business man with tons of cash who often import a container load of goods from USA, China, Turkey, Germany, UAE and other countries to sell in Cameroon at whole sale price.

…but what most Cameroonians don’t know is that importation can also be done in a small scale and we call this type of importation, MINI IMPORTATION.

Mini importation practically involves buying products in small quantities from other countries to sell in Cameroon with the aim of making good profits.

You can buy (in small scale) items like hair extensions, clothes, shoes, bags, wrist watches, wigs, kiddies stuff, kitchen utensils, household gadgets, electronics etc at cheap prices and sell in Cameroon at huge prices thereby making more than 200% profit.

Yes, you can also describe mini importation as the 200% profit business.

Importation is importation whether it be MINI or MACRO… and no matter the type you choose to engage in, you are sure of making 200% profit as you would be buying directly from the manufacturers abroad at very cheap prices.

From the above definition you can see that anyone in Cameroon can be an importer.

You don’t need to go to a professional school or acquire license from the government to start mini importation in Cameroon. And apart from custom duty (which is included in the cost of shipping), you won’t be expected to pay any other tax to the government as a mini importer.


In mini importation, majority of the work (including custom clearance) is done by the shipping companies abroad and you (the mini importer) after ordering your products from the manufacturers, just need to pay the shipping fee to collect your goods when they arrive Cameroon and start marketing online or offline. Yes! this is just what the mini importation business is all about.

Why Mini Importation of Hair Extension is very profitable in Cameroon

Hair extension business is a viable and lucrative business in Cameroon.

If I asked you to make a list of ten highly lucrative business opportunities in Cameroon, I’m 100% sure that hair extension business would be on that list.

The demand for hair extension in the Cameroonian markets is sky-rocketing everyday.

Women know the importance of good hair and also know that good human hair can go for as much as 95000frs CFA and nothing less than 15000 frs CFA.

Have you ever wondered how much this sellers of human hair extensions in Cameroon buy the hair extensions from their suppliers???

You’ve been hearing bone straight, you won’t believe how much sellers of bone straight are making from each hair.

Most hair vendors in Cameroon buy a single piece of hair extension for 5000frs or less…and sell here in Cameroon at extremely high prices and many women are still scrambling to buy.

Most women today take extra measure to look good and are willing to spend even their last money to achieve this. And one of the symbol of a woman’s beauty is her hair.

To achieve good looks, women make their hair with all types of hair extension and they do it almost every week.

Another reason why the hair business is profitable in Cameroon because women love how easy it is to wear wigs & hair extensions. Because of how the wig is made you can wear it like a cap and dress it to a particular style and your look to go out is perfect. So women buy wigs because of these reasons.

Why Everyone in Cameroon can start a Hair Extension (wig) Business in Cameroon.

One thing very good about hair extension (wig) business in Cameroon is that it requires little capital to start. So almost anyone can do it. I’m referring to the importation type and not one that you go to Douala and buy.

When i said you can start a hair extension business in Cameroon with as little as 50k, i wasn’t joking.

You can buy 8 pieces of high quality hair extensions from a reliable China supplier for 30k and pay for shipping to Cameroon with the remaining 20k.

Hair extensions make a good product for mini importation because they are very light in weight which makes it’s shipping fee very low.

Most shipping agents in China, charge shipping fee per KG and they charge 8500frs per KG.

8 pieces of hair extension may not weight more than 4kg.

And it takes 2 weeks maximum for the hair extensions to get shipped to Cameroon by air.

You can sell the 8 pieces in Cameroon for 15k or more…and make more than 100k in profit from the 8 pieces. Then you can repeat the process again and again.

Another thing I like about hair extension business is that you can start it small from home without renting a shop, and your customers will still reach you on your mobile phone when the need arises. So, the business is quite simple and affordable.

Hair Importation is a field that you can specialize in and make millions from.

According to estimates, Africa’s dry hair market (that is the market for weaves, wigs and hair extensions) is currently worth over 6 billion a year and it is growing quite rapidly.

So how and where do we begin our hair extension importation business???

Before we delve in to the main topic, i will like to start by giving you a brief information about the various hair extension available in the China markets in order to ensure that you buy the best quality hair extensions and at the lowest price possible.

Different Types Of Hair Extension (Human hairs) In Cameroon

There are different types of hair extension available in the market, example; synthetic, human hair, European, Brazilian hair, Peruvian hair, Indian hair, expression attachments, wigs, amigos attachments etc. They come in different inches, colors, different makes, and their prices vary too.

Before you engage in hair extension business, you need to understand and get familiar with these different types of hair extension that are in the Cameroon market.

Most people don’t know this but there are different classifications of human hair in the market.

We have…

*** 100% human hair
*** 100% virgin hair
*** Remy hair
*** Human hair blend
*** Synthetic hair

Some people may consider selling only human hair depending on who their customers are, while others may prefer to sell all products of hair extension.

It is advisable to sell different types of hair extension because people are different so are taste and likes. Being known for different kinds of brands makes you earn more satisfied customers who in turn will help promote your business by word of mouth.

Below is a brief information about the various kinds of hairs…

*** 100% Virgin hair is a extension that has not been chemically processed and has all its cuticles intact. This is the most expensive hair you can purchase.

*** 100% Human hair has not been chemically processed but has had all its cuticles removed. It also has not been mixed with synthetic hair.

*** Remy hair is also human hair with its cuticles intact. However, it has been chemically processed.

*** Human hair blend is mixed with synthetic in different ratios and the ratio determines the price. It is however less expensive than the others listed above.

*** Synthetic hair is not human hair in anyway. Those hair that usually become tough, rough and difficult to brush or comb after a short time of use is synthetic hair. It is very low quality hair.


*** GRADE 6A

Grade 6A is Remy hair. It is usually of medium thickness. It is mostly straight. It can last up to a year if you take proper care of it.

*** GRADE 7A

This is high quality Remy hair. It is very thick and durable and can last up to two years. It will not shed or tangle as much as Grade 6A.

*** GRADE 8A and 9A

This high quality hair. It is 100% human hair that has had its cuticles removed but has not been chemically processed. It is very easy to maintain and can last for a very long time.

*** GRADE 10A

Grade 10A hair is the highest quality of hair there is and so is the most expensive. It is 100% natural unprocessed virgin hair. It is very thick and durable. Maintenance is very easy. If you want long or curly hair, this will be the best hair to buy.

Somebody may likely want to ask, where are these human hair coming from??? Are they really human hairs like they call it???

Sometimes it’s a mystery where human hair originates from, but human hair is in such demand that it may come from less than ethical origins which the vast majority of people don’t question.

The hair from hair extensions come from an array of sources including, but not limited to:

*** Indian Temple Hair – A percentage of hair used to make 100% human hair or mixed human hair extensions and/or wigs originates in Tirumala, India where people travel to the Venkateswara Temple to have their heads shaved in a traditional ritual of spiritual devotion known as “Mokku” an offering to God. It is also called “hair tonsuring”.

There tons of women going to the temple to freely offer their hair and there are hundreds of barbers at the temple that shave a new person’s head about every five minutes.

The temple then takes the strands which in some cases may be as long as 30 inches, and sells them at auction to the highest bidders. The money from the hair auctions, which can cost up to $700 a pound, or more and which helps to fund the Temple.

Reportedly, the daily amount of hair collected by the temple is over a ton and the freshly shaved hair is what we call Remy hair which means all of the cuticles tend to be from the same head and they all face the same direction which is different from non-Remy hair.

**** China, Viet Nam Or Other Sources – Even though a lot of human hair originates from India, the vast majority of human hair also comes from China, Viet Nam, South America and other underdeveloped countries around the world.

Although in some cases hair is advertised as being from Cambodia, Malaysia, Russia and/or other European countries, it is extremely rare to find extension hair which is not from India and/or China.

*** Collected Hair – China also imports fallen hair, also referred to as non-Remy hair, from India.

Fallen hair is dead hair which naturally sheds and is collected from hair salons and hairbrushes.

Because collected and/or fallen hair’s quality has been jeopardized and matting is likely to occur, non-Remy hair is less desirable in the extensions industry.

The cuticles are present in different directions and the hair is prone to tangling. But China collects this hair, cleans it and mislabels it as being from a higher-quality hair.

*** Corpse Hair – Although some people may not realize it, some extension hair is taken from recently deceased people. Don’t your customers this.

*** Donated Ponytails – Some hair extensions are purchased from hair donated to various non-profit charities in the United States, Europe and around the world, which make wigs for children and/or people in need.

*** Individual Hair Sales – Human hair also come from people who grow their hair for the purpose of selling it to wig makers.

Some people in the United States or other European countries may grow exceptional quality virgin Grade 10A hair which is also an unusual color such as blonde or red.

Grade 10A is the highest quality hair that you can buy, and it’s also the most expensive. It’s 100% unprocessed virgin hair from one donor with thick ends and strong structure. You can dye hair up to white color without much damage. It is in high demand, extremely expensive and hard to find.

Although some hair extensions and wigs originate from individual sellers, these accounts for a very small percentage of human hair providers.

Best Countries to Import Quality Hair Extensions from

China and India are the main countries that human hair importers in Cameroon source and buy quality human hairs at cheap prices.

They are the major suppliers of human hair because they have temples where women shave their hair for religious reasons.

But unlike in india where most of the human hair is voluntarily sacrificed by women, in china it is a fully fledged business where poor Chinese women in rural areas sell their hair for a fee to hair collectors who are middlemen in the virgin human hair business.

This hair is then sold to different companies who package them for trade.

Peru is another country that hair vendors in Cameroon source Grade 10 hair at good prices.

Peruvian hair is the most sought after because Peruvian women rarely use chemicals on their hair.

Most 100% virgin hair are of Peruvian origin and so you can say that Peruvian hair is usually Grade 10A (12A).

Countries like Brazil also import human hair extensions from India and China.
Note: The hair referred to as Malaysian hair is usually Grade 8A hair.

To increase profit margin, most hair vendors in Cameroon sell 70g hair for the cost of 100g. This is not advisable especially if you are trying to start a new business. Nobody will refer you to others if they think you cheated them.

Differences Between Wigs and Hair Extension

  • *** Wigs

Wigs are head covers that are normally produced using human or animal hair. However, numerous wigs are now produced using synthetic fibers. Wigs have been around since ancient times and are designed to sit on a bald head or existing hair.

Wigs present both pros and cons. A few wigs are low quality, made of synthetic fibers that are unnatural looking. Others are made of human hair.


Various styles and colors available in the range of wigs that instantly change your entire look with less effort.

Using a wig will save you for doing hair experimenting with color chemicals and heat styling tools that cause hair damage immediately.

You don’t need to trim your hair short or hang tight for them to grow. If you have short hair and would prefer not to change that or experience difficulty with hair growth, you can without much of a stretch get yourself a wig of the ideal length of hair and vice versa.


*** Frequent use of the wig may result in the natural hair being suffocated or damaged.
Compared to your natural hair, it takes more time to wear. That’s because you need to wear the wig first and then style it.

*** Wigs can be hot and unpleasant in the summer season.

*** The base of the synthetic hair wig may cause some irritation to sensitive skin.

What are Hair Extensions in Cameroon???

Hair extensions are an ideal option for anyone who wants to lengthen their hair, whether due to a haircut gone awry or just to try something new.

We’re always told that thick, luscious hair is a sign of beauty from the moment we were pretty little, so losing our hair can make us feel ugly. That’s the reason numerous Cameroonian ladies search out hair replacement treatments and “ultra-realistic” human hair wigs and they can pay huge amounts for it. They can instantly turn your natural hair into complete, lengthy, wonderful “mermaid” locks! It just takes a couple of minutes to clip them in, but the difference is incredible!

*** Advantages:

*** Improves your look and provides the perfect length and volume to your hair.
Without fear of harming your natural hair, you can color them with your desired color.
Normally blends with your own hair texture and quality.
*** No one can ever realize that you are wearing hair extensions.
*** It can cost you extra money to install hair extensions, maintenance costs, trim, etc.
Required extra care.
*** It may feel heavy on your head for just 1-3 days with high volume, and then it goes away.
After a few months, hair may begin shedding, but it’s only minor and that’s totally natural.

Ok now that we are done with the basics of the hair business in Cameroon, let get in to the business proper.

What Hair Extension Length to import and sell fast in Cameroon.

Hair extensions are sold in various lengths (inches) and colors just like cloths are sold in various sizes and colors.

As an aspiring hair extension vendor, it’s important to note that your customers will likely be asking for advice on which length to buy.

You need to understand the lengths so that you can recommend a length that works for your customer’s hair. Choosing the length of your clip-in hair extension is one of the hardest decisions that customers have to make before making a purchase and determines if they would be would be comfortable with their purchase or not.

So you have to help them make this decision so that they can be happy with your products and when they are happy they will likely refer other people to you.

So how can you help them???

If a customer have short hair, recommend 14-16 inch hair. If she has shoulder length hair, 18-20 inches will work.

In fact, 18-20 inches is the best and most popular hair extension length.

22-24 inches is really long and will require a lot of getting used to.

It also depends on the customer’s height, the taller you are, the longer the hair you can pull off. Most choose 20 inch hair, it gives you instant length without the drama and of the 22-24 inch hair.

*** 14 inches clip-ins: It usually falls mid-breast and about the bra-strap area in the back.
*** 16 inches clip-ins: It usually falls around your lower breast.
*** 18 inches clip-ins: It usually falls around your lower breast to the upper stomach and your lower back area.
*** 20 inches clip-ins: It usually falls near your waistline.

After you have started the business and determine which length that most Cameroonian ladies often buy from you, you can be importing more of that particular length.

Another thing you need to figure out before you start your hair importation business is what type of hair extension to buy.

*** Wavy/ Curly vs. Straight Hair Extensions

Before you even decide on a length, be sure to consider whether you want wavy/curly or straight hair extensions.

Wavy/curly extensions tend to look slightly shorter than straight extensions due to the texture of the hair.

If you are planning to opt for Wavy/curly extensions, you may want to go one size longer than you would if you’re planning to buy straight extensions.

Also, keep in mind that wavy/curly extensions tend to feel heavier than straight extensions when you wear them.

*** Comfort

Comfort is another factor to consider when trying to decide on a length that would be right for a particular customer. If a customer is used to having short hair, it may be difficult for her to adjust to a really long length.

Hair extensions that are no longer than 18″ are generally suitable for those with short hair. On the other hand, they may feel comfortable wearing longer extensions if you have medium to long hair.

Regarding color choice, manufacturers make a wide range of colors. You probably won’t have too much trouble matching your color.

This info may not be too relevant for some ladies who are hair enthausiast as they already know what sells faster in Cameroon.

At this particular point, somebody may be wondering why I’m providing so much literature about the business.

The reason is simple, its very important that you have vast info about your business so that you can be able to answer any question posed by your customers.

When you are able to answer their questions, you give them an impression that you are an expert in the field and they will likely buy from you as they are rest assured they would get quality stuffs from you. And because they know they are buying from a guru, they will not price your product like the women buying Okrika in the market.

Mind you, you are the one to give value to your items and boost their market value.

If you present yourself like an ordinary woman in the street hawking Okrika, then they will make an offer that such a woman deserves.

If you would marketing and selling your products via the social media platforms, its very important that you master the theory.

Ok at this particular point, i believe have covered the theoretical part of the hair business.

Time to enter practical.

Requirements to Start an online Hair business in Cameroon

Just like any other business, the online hair business has its own requirements and they are not too much.

1) Capital – With as little as 50k, you can start a hair mini importation business in Cameroon.

You don’t need much to start this business.

2) Credit Card – You will need a credit card to issue payment to the hair extension suppliers in China.
3) Shipping agent – You need a shipping agent that will receive your goods from the hair extension suppliers in China and ship to Cameroon.
4) Digital Marketing Skill (Optional) – This skill is essential for you to be able to market hair extensions when they arrive Cameroon. As a business owner you need to practice what you preach. Use good hair extension products on your hair for people to see.
6) If you intend to set up a shop in the street, it would be advisable to buy hair extension display tool. All you need is to rent a shop for about 300000k depending on the location. Buy hair extension/attachment products worth about 200000 or less depending on what you have, that’s all.

After going through the list of requirements, if you think you have all it takes to Start an online Hair business in Cameroon, you need to pay for access to our mini importation article, where we explained in detail how to import from China.

Take action today while the market is still less saturated.

Remember, early birds eats the fattest worm.

If you need more information about this business, you can WhatsApp me or leave a comment below…

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