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Zahidi-Vita Plus Buttocks, Hibs & Breast Enlargement Pills Review, Does it work? Find out


Zahidi-Vita Plus body enhancement products are arguably the most common body enhancement products in Cameroon which has helped many girls in Cameroon to achieve their dream banging body without spending huge amount of money and within a short time frame.

If you have ever done a Google search on body enhancement products in Cameroon (buttocks, hips and breast enlargement products in Cameroon), then you must have come across a picture of a package of the Zahidi-Vita Plus body enhancement product either for buttocks and hips enlargement or for breast enlargement & firming.

Does it actually work??? Are all the Zahidi-Vita plus before and after photos circulating on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest genuine??? Does it work for everyone??? Is there any side effect etc

Those are some of the questions i get asked on a weekly basis by inquisitive Cameroonians who wish to start their body enhancement journey with the Zahidi-vita plus and in this article, i will answer all the FAQs about Zahidi-vita plus body enhancement products.

Before delving in to the main topic, let me first of all start by providing a brief introduction of the body enhancement product for the benefit of the people who are hearing about the Zahidi-Vita plus body enhancement product for the first time.

So what is Zahidi-Vita plus body enhancement products????

Zahidi-Vita Plus body enhancement products are pills (supplements) which stimulates enlargement of buttocks, hips and breast so you can achieve a sexy/banging body.

Zahidi-Vita Plus products are made out of top quality organic plant based ingredients rich in phytoestrogen which include the African Zahidi-Vita Plus root and evening primrose natural herbs which help to stimulate growth of those assets. As an organic product there’s no side effect associated with usage of Zahidi-Vita plus body enhancement products.

Types of Zahidi-Vita Plus Body Enhancement Products

It should be noted that there are two types of Zahidi-Vita Plus body enhancement supplements which include;

  • Zahidi-Vita Plus for big Hip & Buttocks enlargement &
  • Zahidi-Vita Plus for breast enlargement

The Zahidi-Vita Plus for big Hip & buttocks will stimulate growth/accumulation of fat in your thigh, buttocks, and hip area thereby giving you a big round ass that fits well in your jeans and makes you look sexy.

Zahidi-Vita Plus for breast enlargement will simulate the production of fat cells on the breast causing an increase in the size of just your breast and also firms a boob that looks saggy making it look perky.

One of the selling points of the Zahidi-Vita Plus supplements is that it will only help to grow fat in your desired areas (buttocks, hips and breast) faster. It won’t crease the size of your tummy and other untargeted areas of your body.

Ok now that we are done with the basics, let’s get down to the frequently asked questions about the Zahidi-Vita Plus….

Let’s begin with the first FAQ about Zahidi-Vita plus.

Does Zahidi-Vita plus body enhancement products actually work and if yes, how does it work???

Yes Zahidi-Vita plus actually works. I have sold this products to tons of people who have achieved their dream body with it and without experiencing any weird side effects (except for a handful of people who took an overdose of the supplement in order to achieve result overnight)

How does Zahidi-Vita plus works???

Zahidi-Vita plus body enhancement pills work by increasing the level of estrogen in the body.

For those of you who don’t know, Estrogen is one of the things that makes a woman more feminine and enhances her curves. It’s the one that turns you from a child to a woman once puberty hits and gives women that beautiful healthy skin and feminine glow, which makes the guys to start turning heads.

The body starts produces Estrogen during puberty (as soon as a girl turns 18) and this hormone causes a girl to experience buttocks, hips and breast enlargement to give the young woman a feminine curve.

So Estrogen signals how big your breasts get during puberty, increases the size of the butt and increases the metabolism for a smaller waist line to give that feminine curve.

How large your breast, hips and butt can get will be determine by the amount of estrogen that is “naturally” produced by the body during the puberty period to stimulate growth of those assets.

And the level of estrogen produced varies from one person to another depending on the Genetic make up of the person.

There are some girls who are naturally endowed with big buttocks, hips and boobs (natural curvy body)

For those people, the amount of estrogen produced during the puberty period is high causing a huge growth in buttocks, hips and breast. On the other hand, for the girls with flat buttocks and small buttocks, the amount of estrogen naturally produced during the puberty period is not too high causing them to gain just little butt and boobs.

Since estrogen is the one that is responsible for your curves, the best natural way to enhance your curves will also be by taking estrogen. Phytoestrogen, or the estrogen from plants are the safest form of estrogen that you can take. It’s all natural, unaltered and completely safe to take.

The Zahidi-Vita plus body enhancement pills (rich in Phytoestrogen) stimulates growth of buttocks, hips and breast by providing phytoestrogen to the body which increases the level of estrogen in the body leading to further increase in size of the buttocks, hips and breast.

And long as you keep taking the pills, you will experience increase in size of those assets as the phytoestrogen from the Zahidi-vita plus will keep stimulating growth in those assets.

How long does it take for one to see results with the Zahidi-Vita plus body enhancement product???

As the number 1 body enhancement plug in Cameroon, i often get questions from some of my customers who are expressing doubt on whether the Zahidi-Vita plus body enhancement pills will work on them as they haven’t seen result after two weeks of using the product while their mates who also started using the product same time with them are already seeing result.

When it comes to body enhancement, results always from one person to another.

For instance there are some women who will see results after two weeks of using the Zahidi-Vita plus body enhancement pills while others will start seeing result after two months of usage.

Results may vary from one person to another due to the following factors…

  • The Amount of food (calorie) intake
  • Your body type (hereditary factor)
  • Daily activity of the user
  • Taking weigh loss products while taking the pills.
  •  Engage in buttocks enlargement exercise

1) The Amount of food (calories) you take in when taking the bills…

The main factor which determines how fast you will get result with the Zahidi-vita plus body enhancement product is the amount of food (calories) you take in when taking the pills.

When taking the Zahidi-Vita Plus body enhancement pills, its advisable to eat a lot of food.

Like i mentioned earlier Zahidi-Vita pills enables you to achieve your desired butt, hibs and boob size by providing phytoestrogen which stimulates growth of buttocks, hips and breast.

When i said that, you must have wondered what Estrogen actually does to the body to enable increase in those assets???

Estrogen causes fat to accumulate in your buttocks, hips and breast leading to enlargement of the target areas.

Estrogen triggers the body to store more fats on the breasts and butt. When someone says “fats” it might sound horrible and bad, but in this instance, fat cells are the ones the fills out your curves and makes the breasts, butt and hips bigger.

It should be noted that fat is the main component found in side your boob and buttocks….and determine the size.

So to increase the size of those areas, you can either undergo body enhancement surgery to remove the fat and put an implant there or you can simply take pills that will cause fats to accumulate there naturally.

The fat that will accumulate in your boobs, hips and buttocks to cause enlargement, wont come from other areas on your body. But will come from the food you eat.

So calories that you eat while taking the Zahidi Vita Plus will turn into fat that will be deposited to your desired areas (buttocks, hips, and thighs). This is why your current weight will stay the same while taking the Zahida Vita plus body enhancement products. So just your desired area body measurements will increase.

Think of the estrogen as the chief contractor that gives order for work to be done in the target areas.

Without food (calories), the job won’t be done.

Calories (especially high protein diet) are like building blocks that will form the fat in those areas.

Increase your calories (and especially your protein) intake to maintain your muscle mass and retain smooth curves in your hips and butt.

Increased food intake and a decrease in the exercise while taking the pills will easily cause fat to quickly accumulate in the target areas.

So result may vary from one person to another depending on the amount of calories consumed by a particular user and the daily activity of a user while taking the pills. How many excess calories you eat determines how much fat gets stored.

For instance if you are not taking enough food (calories) and if you are a person who often engage in physical activities that burns lots of fat, it will definitely take a longer time for you to see result.

Summarily you will see result faster when you eat more calories than you burn than people who burn more calories than they eat while taking the pills.

Users of the Zahidi-Vita Plus for big Hip & buttocks have testified that it takes 2-3 weeks for one to start noticing positive result.

2) Your body type (hereditary/genetic factor)

Another important factor which determines how fast you will get results with the Zahidi-Vita plus body enhancement products, is your body type.

It should be noted that there are two types of body which include the “pear” body type and the “apple” body type.

People with pear body type tend to gain weight in their hips and butt easily while people with the apple body type tend to gain weight in their belly fast.

If you have the pear body type, storing fat in your hips will be a breeze leading to fast result. By Simply eating more food you can gain weight in your butt, hips and breast without using the body enhancement products.

3) Daily activity of the user

Like i mentioned earlier, the activity of a user while taking the pills also determines how fast results will be achieved.

If you are engaging in high energy consuming activities like football, hawking, running and other weight loss exercises while taking the Zahidi-Vita plus body enhancement products , it will take a long time for you to see result as those activities will make it difficult for fat to accumulate in the target areas (butt, hips and breast).

Increased food intake and a decrease in the exercise while taking the pills will easily cause fat to quickly accumulate in the target areas.

4) Taking weight loss products while taking the body enhancement pills.

If you are taking weight loss products like slimming tea, Flat tummy tea and other weight loss products along side the Zahidi-vita pills, you will find it difficult to see result as those products will make it difficult for fat to accumulate in the target areas.

Weight loss products are anti-body enhancement products.

If you noticed that you are gaining weight around your tummy while taking the pills, don’t start taking flat tummy tea, to loss weight in your stomach. Instead use a waist trainer.

Or simply wait till you have achieved your desired result before you can start using the flat tummy tea.

Don’t use weight loss products and the Zahidi-Vita plus at the same time.

You can also use a slimming products which targets just specific areas of your body.

5) Buttocks enlargement exercises

Zahidi-Vita pills works quicker when you do squats and other buttocks exercises while taking this pill.

So people who are engaging in buttocks enlargement exercises like squats while taking the Zahidi-vita pills, will definitely see results faster than people who just take the pills only.

How do you do squats to speed up results???

Its easy.

Stand straight up, then lower your body, bending at the knees, until you are just about in a sitting position. Return to the upright position. When you spread your feet wider apart, you’ll work your hip and butt more.

If you still can’t figure out what I’m talking about, you can search for squats exercise for butt enlargement on YouTube.

You can do squats about 4 times a week.


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How to take the Zahidi-Vita Plus supplements for fast result without any side effect…

One thing i love about the Zahidi-Vita plus is the fact that its easy to swallow and don’t have an after taste.

There are 30 tablets in every packet of the Zahidi-Vita Plus; which is enough to take you through your body enhancement journey till you get your desired result. A packet contains 3 cards of the body enhancement pills and each card contains 10 tablets each.

Take 2 pills of Zahidi-Vita Plus in the morning and 2 pills in the night.

Do this consistently for two weeks and you will see result.

Don’t forget to eat well (especially protein rich diet) as you need calories in order to build fats around those target areas.

To get extremely fast result with the Zahidi-Vita Plus, its advisable to buy protein rich weight gain powder available in our online shop.

The weight gain powder is contains very high amount of calories that will quickly build those fats in the target areas as well as muscles. If you can’t afford the weight gain powder, Soya beans, fish, eggs, beans, milk etc are protein rich diet that you can consume while taking the body enhancement pills.

Side effects of the Zahidi-Vita body enlargement pills…

There’s no weird side effect associated with usage of the Zahidi-Vita body enhancement pills.

You may only notice some minor changes that can easily corrected.

For instance, some ladies may gain weight around their tummy while taking the Zahidi-Vita body enlargement pills (especially ladies with the apple body type). To ensure that you don’t gain weight around your tummy, you can use a weight trainer to keep the fat in those areas on check while taking the pills.

Some of my customers have also noticed an increase in sex drive while taking the Zahidi-Vita plus body enlargement pills …and this is caused by increase in estrogen level in the body.

Zahidi-Vita body enlargement pills also makes you hungry; which is a good thing as you need calories for fat to be deposited in the target areas.

As you can see, this body enhancement product has no negative/dreadful side effects.

In other words, unlike like body enhancement surgeries, there no danger associated with the usage of the Zahidi-Vita body enlargement pills.

NOTE: Not everyone will notice the issues mentioned above (especially weight gain around the tummy).

For most people, the Zahidi-Vita plus supplements will just signal their body to produce more fats ONLY on their buttocks, hips and breasts.


The answer is pretty simple. Affordability and effectiveness.

The affordability and effectiveness of Zahidi-Vita Plus body enhancement supplements has made the products a hot cake in Cameroon and other African nations as people from all works of life can easily afford it and start their body enhancement journey without breaking a bank.

Those who have little knowledge about the prices of body enhancement products in Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana will agree with me that body enhancement products are not cheap at all.

The prices of the body enhancement products of the top body enhancement brands in Cameroon range from 20,000frs to 50,000frs for a single product (non negotiable).

You now understand why most low income earners & students consider Zahidi-Vita plus body enhancement products as an answered prayer.

How large can buttocks and hips get???

One of the questions i get asked by prospects before making a purchase of the Zahidi-Vita body enlargement pills is, HOW LARGE CAN MY BUTT GET???

The maximum size of butt you can get, will depend on your body size.

If you are a slim girl, you will get a normal size butt & boobs or quickly reach your limit.

If you want that Blanche Bailly type of butt and hips (THICK), you will need, to take the Zahidi-Vita plus body enhancement pills with a weight gain supplements as you need more space to accommodate those huge quantity of fat.

Is the result permanent???

This another common question that i get asked.

Yes for most people, the result would be permanent.

But after getting result, you start engaging in high energy consuming exercises like football, athletics and other spots activities that can burn down fat in your body, you will lose the gain.

Secondly if you take weight loss products, you will also lose the gain.

For the breast, you may lose the perkiness or firmness of your boobs after breast feeding.

But if you can always get your body back to shape after losing those gains

If you want a permanent result, then you need to go for the super expensive body enhancement surgeries that is intertwined with life threatening side effects.

With body enhancement surgeries, the doctors will have to remove the fats in your buttocks and breast to put an artificial implant there. The implants remain unchanged in your breast and butt giving you a permanent result.

But with the natural method, what accumulates in your butt, hips and breast to give you banging body is fats.

And fats can be converted in to energy whenever you engage in high energy activities hence the result can be permanent if you regularly engage in high energy consuming activities.

Have you ever seen a female footballer with a big nyash???

Can a pregnant woman take the Zahidi-Vita plus body enhancement products???

No, don’t take the pills while pregnant. Even a nursing mother shouldn’t take it.

Wait until you are through with your mummy duties and then you can start slaying again.

What is the age limit for taking the Zahidi-Vita plus body enhancement products???

ladies who are 18 yrs plus can take the Zahidi-Vita plus body enhancement products.

Ok we have come to the end of this article.

If you have any question or will like to order the Zahidi-Vita plus body enhancement product, leave a comment below or WhatsApp me for a quick response.

Like i mentioned earlier, Zahidi-Vita plus body enhancement product is the most affordable buttocks and breast enlargement products you can find in Cameroon.

Get yours today and start your own body enhancement journey today.

In this 21st century, you can achieved that banging body without risking your life by going for body enhancement surgeries.

With Zahidi-Vita plus body enhancement product, you can achieved the banging body that you have been craving for without experiencing any weird side effect.

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