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How to use ENEO prepaid meter in Cameroon – Borrow, Check Balance & Recharge with Mobile Money


If you are here today, then the ENEO prepaid meter must have been installed in your newly constructed house OR your old analog postpaid meter must have been replaced with the new ENEO prepaid electricity meter and you are wondering how to use the ENEO prepaid meter. How do i recharge my Eneo prepaid meter??? how do i check balance on the Eneo prepaid meter???

If that sounds like you, then this article was specifically written for you.

In this article, i will guide you on how to use the new ENEO prepaid meter without headache.

In fact after reading this post, you will become an ENEO prepaid meter consultant in your area.

In June, 2021, two ENEO workers showed up at my house and said they have been sent to replace the old analog postpaid electricity meter which we have been using for more than 15 yrs.

Who am i to say NO to a monopolist???

Within 30 minutes the old meter was removed and the new ENEO prepaid meter was installed and a green card and keypad was handed to us, which the ENEO technician said we were going to be using recharge and check the balance of our ENEO prepaid meter.

I felt like a bush man from Furawa village who has been handed the latest version of the Apple Iphone without any knowledge about phones. I quickly asked, SAR how do i use this new ANDROID ENEO Meter that you guys have installed in my house???

However the ENEO technicians (who were not fluent in English) didn’t give me proper explanation on how to use the new ENEO prepaid meter. Nevertheless with the little French i learnt in Secondary school, i was able to grap some valuable info.

I learnt that unlike our old analog electricity postpaid meter whereby electricity bill is paid at the ENEO office at the end of the month, with the new ENEO prepaid meter, bills will be paid from the comfort of my home via Mobile money and other digital payment options.

This sounded good to my ears as the thought of going to the ENEO office to pay bills every month is enough to give me headache.

The Residents of Limbe will agree with me that its not easy to pay electricity bills at the ENEO office in Limbe.

At the ENEO office, you have to queue up for hours sometimes under the sun just to pay your electricity bill…and sometimes i return home feeling very tired like somebody who took part in the mount Cameroon race of hope.

Hence the new ENEO prepaid meter which required payment of electricity bills by Mobile money and other digital payment options from home, was an answered prayer to me.

But how do i go about the payment of ENEO electricity bills, how do i know what i have consumed in a month, what happens if i don’t pay my bills on time???…are some of the questions that were on my mind.

To cut a long story short, i had to go to the ENEO office, where i met an Anglophone ENEO technician who educated me on how to use the new ENEO prepaid meter…and for the past 8 months i have been using the Eneo prepaid meter with no issues.

Somebody may likely want to ask, what is the difference between the Analog/digital postpaid ENEO meter and the new ENEO prepaid meter???

Contrary to popular opinion, you won’t pay extremely high bills when you switch to the new Eneo prepaid meter

The main difference between the old post-paid ENEO meter and the new prepaid ENEO meter lies in the payment method.

With the old post-paid ENEO meter, a customer consumes and receives a bill at the end of the month whereas with the prepaid system, the customer pays before consuming.

In other words the new ENEO prepaid meter operates like the MTN, NEXTTEL & ORANGE telephone prepaid billing system whereby you have to credit your phone before you can make a call.

In the case of ENEO, you need to credit your prepaid meter (with KWH) in order to have electricity in your house.

So apart from the payment method, everything is the same.

How similar???

For both systems, the tariff structure is still the same and varies according to the type of installation and the kWh consumed in a month. And in both systems the more you consume, the higher the tariff.

So far, i can say that the ENEO prepaid meter is far better than than the old analog postpaid system since it gives Cameroonians the priviledge to pay their ENEO electricity bills from the comfort of their homes.

It also allows a customer to take total control over electricity consumption and eliminate possibility of paying excessive bills due to reading errors.

In this article i will reveal everything i know about this God sent ENEO prepaid meter to make things easy for you.

Without any further delay, let’s get down to business.

What is Eneo Prepaid Electricity Meters?

Eneo Cameroon Prepaid electricity meters are modern electrical devices recently introduced by ENEO Cameroon to grant customers autonomy and control over their electricity consumption and also ease payment of electricity bills.

ENEO Prepaid meter allows you to control and manage your electricity consumption and budget through a CIU (Customer Interface Unit).

A CIU, also known as a Customer Interface Unit, commonly referred to as “the box”, is the communication interface connected to the meter that enables you to monitor your energy consumption and recharge your meter.

The deployment of Eneo’s Prepaid Solution is part of the commitments made by ENEO in the third amendment to the Concession Agreement, in which the company made a commitment to the Government of Cameroon to modernize the distribution network and the metering systems in Cameroon in order to make life easier for customers and to transform the way they consume electricity.

According to ENEO, the gradual deployment of this new ENEO prepaid meter in every household in Cameroon will contribute to improving Eneo’s quality of service and its relationship with customers.

ENEO reserve the right to replace your old postpaid meter (against your will) if they deem it necessary or you can apply for your old postpaid ENEO meter to be replaced/changed.

The cost of getting an ENEO prepaid meter in Cameroon varies based on the estimate that the ENEO technicians draw up after a technical assessment of your electricity needs.

For instance if your house is located near an electricity pole or in a house that already has electricity, the cost of getting the ENEO prepaid meter would be relatively low as you would be required to pay just a little amount for cable. The installation kit (which include; box, meter, circuit breaker) is currently offered by Eneo to assist customers in upgrading their metering equipment.

On the other hand if your house is located in a location that is far from power supply (electricity pole), you will spend more money to get the ENEO prepaid meter as you will need to spend money on electricity poles and cables in order for the ENEO technicians to bring electricity to your premise before installation.

It should be noted that ENEO prepaid meter is the meter that every household in Cameroon will have in 7 yrs to come. As you read this post, the ENEO technicians are going about replacing the old postpaid meter with the new “ANDROID” METER hence its very important every Cameroonian learn how to use the new ENEO prepaid meter whether it has been installed in their house or not.

Who knows, the ENEO technicians may just show up at your neighbor’s house tomorrow and tell them that they have been sent to replace their old postpaid meter….and they have no choice but to allow them to carry out their assignment.

So far, Eneo Cameroon has installed more than 20,000 prepaid meters all over the national territory.

And Eneo customers who have these intelligent prepaid electricity meters installed stand to gain the
following benefits…

Benefits of ENEO prepaid meters to Cameroon electricity consumers

*** Users of ENEO prepaid meter can now buy their power via MTN Mobile Money (MoMo), Orange Money, UBA, Afrikpay, Yup, etc., without moving or standing in queues at the ENEO offices in Cameroon.
*** With an ENEO prepaid meter installed in your house, you won’t have any business with ENEO Staff (the meter readers) and this would boost the security of your house as nobody would be able camouflage as ENEO worker to invade your compound…LOL.
*** No disconnection of meters due to unpaid bills…if you run out of credit, your electricity will go off and when you credit your meter, you will have electricity.
*** No unexpected surprise of high bills at month-end i.e. the ENEO prepaid meter enables you to see what you are consuming on a daily basis and this will enable you to better manage/economise your electricity (credit).
*** The new ENEO prepaid meter solves the problem of electricity sharing in storey buildings with apartments i.e. Every apartment can now have its own prepaid meter and each occupant would be able to manage his or own electricity consumption and pay for exactly what he or she consumed without any argument or dispute over bill.
*** No extremely high bill due to human error…sometimes the reason why we pay extremely high bills is due to the meter reader’s error. With the ENEO prepaid meter, no more disputed bills, meter reading error and/or non-receipt of bills.

How the new ENEO prepaid meter works

Your journey with ENEO prepaid meter begins after installation.

After the ENEO technicians have installed the new ENEO prepaid meter in your house, they will give you a device which looks like a keypad (shown in the screenshot below) and a green card.

Those two things are very important!

  •  The white keypad (box) also known as the customer interface Unit (CIU) is a communication interface connected to the prepaid meter that will enable you to monitor your energy consumption, check balance on ENEO prepaid meter and recharge your ENEO prepaid meter.
  • The green card contains your ENEO prepaid meter number and a series of USSD codes that you can dial using the CIU (keypad) to check balance on Eneo prepaid-meter, recharge Eneo prepaid meters and to borrow credit with Eneo prepaid meter as well as check your ENEO prepaid meter number.

NOTE: The ENEO prepaid meter keypad is very important hence you should guard it jealously to ensure that it doesn’t get damaged or get missing or else you won’t be able to manage your electricity…and it will cost you money to get another one from ENEO.

Like i mentioned earlier, with the new ENEO prepaid system, you will be expected to pay before using electricity.

However after ENEO technicians have installed the new ENEO prepaid meter in your house, you will have electricity.

This is because after installation, the ENEO technicians will credit your meter with 10KWH.

NOTE: The 10 kWh given to you after installation of the prepaid meter is not free… it will be deducted from your first recharge and your purchase is made with the remaining amount.

And at the time of your installation, if you have unpaid consumption bills from the old postpaid system, this debt will be migrated to your prepaid meter i.e. 20% will be deducted from all your recharge payments until your debt is cleared.

Don’t start scratching your heard, i will tell you what KWH means when we get to the section about how to calculate ENEO electricity later.

What is KWH in the Eneo prepaid system???

As an Eneo prepaid meter user, one thing that you will require explanation on, is the meaning of KWH as its what you would be buying on a monthly basis to recharge your Eneo prepaid meter.

So what is KWH (Kilo Watt hour)???

KWH is like ENEO’s electrical credit i.e. whenever you buy ENEO electricity with Mobile money or other payment options, you will receive an X number of KWH and a 16 digit token number which you need to enter using a CIU (Customer Interface Unit) to add the purchased KWH to your prepaid meter.

So when an ENEO prepaid meter user tells you that he or she wants to credit their meter (recharge their Eneo prepaid meter), they are indirectly telling you that they want to buy KWH.

The amount of money you would be charged for 1 KWH range from 50frs to 99frs depending on the type of meter installed in your house, the amperage (the power you have subscribed to) and your activity.

For example if you have a single-phase meter installed in your house with a subscribed amperage of 15A => you are a customer in the Family category!.

And in the family category, consumptions is billed at 50 frs/KWH, excluding VAT!.

The single-phase prepaid meter (family meter) is the common meter that has been installed in most homes in Cameroon.

Let’s assume that you that you are in the family category where you are charged 50FCFA per KWH, then with 1000frs you will be able to buy 20KWH of ENEO electricity.

Somebody may likely want to ask, how long does it take to consume 1 KWH of ENEO electricity???

NOTE: 1 KWH of electricity (in the prepaid system) is equivalent 1 unit of electricity in the analog system (that we are familiar with).

If you are in a compound where 1 postpaid ENEO meter is shared amongst multiple tenants with sub meters, you will often hear people dispute their bills with the submeter reader over the number of units they have consumed in a month.

I get na only 1 bulb, how i go manage consume 20 units per month??? some will say, i no di ever be for house and bla bla bla. Units and KWH are still the same thing.

In the prepaid systems units is just represented as KWH.

So we can still label 20KWH as 20 unit.

When you convert to the prepaid meter, KWH is the term you will use to describe the amount of electricity consumed per day or month (and not unit).

Let’s come back to the question, how long does it take to consume 1 KWH of ENEO electricity???

It depends on the number of appliances that you have, their wattage and how many hours a day do you use them.

When we go to buy appliances, most of them have have wattage written on them (either on their container box or somewhere on the appliance). Once you have the wattage, next you need to figure out how many hours a day do you use it. After that you can use the formula below:

Daily Units = (Wattage x Usage hours per day) ÷ 1000

Monthly Units = Units x 30 (or 28,29,31 based on month)

Please note that this formula may not work always. For appliances like Air Conditioner, Water Heater, microwave, Cloth Iron (any heating or cooling device having a thermostat to switch it on or off) and pumps, this will not work.

It all depends on how long you use an appliance in a day.

So if you have high electricity consumption appliances that stays on through out the day, you can consume 1KWH within an hour or even minutes. For example a microwave, Kitchen blender or water heater can consume 1KWH in less than 20 minutes if used repeatedly.

But if you have just a bulb, fan and refrigerator that is on through out the day, it may take you about 3 hours to consume 1KWH…and like i mentioned earlier 1KWH of ENEO electricity cost 50 frs (with the normal Family category).

The easiest way to know the amount of KWH (units) you will consume in a day or month is by checking the average units that you were consuming per month with the old postpaid system.

The monthly postpaid electricity bills that we receive from ENEO at the end of the month shows the number of units consumed in a particular month.

Get 5 of your Eneo utility bill and check the number of units that you were consuming in month.

How many units were you consuming per month??? If average is 40 units (KWH), multiply 40 by 50frs.

So 2000frs would be the amount you need to credit your ENEO prepaid meter with at the beginning of the month (every month).

At this juncture, you can now clearly see that the difference difference between the old system and the new prepaid system lies in the payment method.

I have heard people complain that with the new prepaid system, its very difficult to share a meter with multiple people.

That’s not true.

You just need to find out the average unit that each tenant was consuming per month with the post paid system.

Multiply his or her total unit (KWH) by 50frs.

So at the end of the month, the tenant will have to pay his or her own quota for the prepaid meter to be credited.

Based on my experience with the ENEO prepaid meter user over the past 8 months, i can authoritatively say that the new system is far better than the old system.

With the new ENEO prepaid electricity meter, i can now monitor my electricity consumption in real time.

I now know the amount of KWH that I’m consuming per day with the appliances available in my house.

It will surprise you to know that in a house with 1 refrigerator, 1 flat screen TV, Radio and a ceiling fan in the parlor that stays on through the day as well as electric fans and bulbs in 3 rooms that stays on through out the night…but we consume not more than 6KWH per day.

What’s more of you with just few appliances.

Some people have also express their dissatisfaction with the new ENEO prepaid meter saying that they prefer the old postpaid system because it gives them enough time to raise funds to pay their bills.


Yes, your power supply will be cut off when your credit (KWH) runs out. But unlike the old post paid system, the ENEO technicians will not come to your house to remove your meter because you have run out of credit (KWH).

When you run out of credit (KWH), light will only go off and when you recharge your ENEO prepaid meter, your electricity would be restored.

And like i mentioned earlier, ENEO has made it possible for the prepaid meter users to borrow credit.

ENEO gives 10KWH on credit hence you can also borrow 10 kWh if you cannot recharge immediately.

So if you notice that you are running out of KWH or run out of KWH (unit), at midnight with no money in your mobile money account to recharge your Eneo prepaid meter, you can simply borrow 10KWH from ENEO, which will take you for some few days or hours till you recharge your prepaid ENEO meter…and when you recharge, 10KWH will be deducted.

For example after borrowing, 10KWH and you later recharge your prepaid meter with 40KWH, what will be loaded in your meter would be 30KWH (as 10KWH would be deducted from the 40KWH).

Some people often ask me how they can know if their prepaid meter is running out of credit.

You can use the white keypad provided by ENEO to check balance on Eneo prepaid-meter.

And in addition to that, the ENEO white keypad (CIU) has been programmed to alarm when its remaining less than 9KWH in your prepaid meter.

The CIU will inform you of your energy level via several visual and audible alarms.

To be able to hear the alarms, you need to keep the ENEO prepaid meter CIU permanently plugged in one of the socket in your house so that when you are running out of credit, you will be able to hear the alarm and recharge your Eneo prepaid meter on time. The device (CIU) does not consume energy, so you don’t have worry about extra electricity consumption.

Wondering how to recharge Eneo prepaid meters???

You can buy Eneo prepaid energy credit at any time, without having to leave your home, from Eneo local partners operating all day all week, namely: Orange Money, MTN MoMo, YUP, Ecobank and AfrikPay.

The purchase price of KWH is the same with all partners depending on volumes.

Just note that you may be asked to pay user charges depending on the supplier’s system.

The minimum purchase amount for kWh is 1000 FCFA and the volume of kWh you receive varies according to the customer segment you belong to. Ex: Family from 50 Fcfa/ kWh in tariff 1, Family plus from 70 Fcfa/ kWh in tariff 1…

In this article, i will show you how to recharge your ENEO prepaid meter with Orange money and MTN MoMo.

Summarily, ENEO Prepaid meter allows you to control and manage your electricity consumption and budget through a CIU (Customer Interface Unit).

Eneo Cameroon meter application Procedures

To get a ENEO prepaid meter either by conversion or through a new connection, there are things you need to do, to ensure that you apply for the right prepaid meter and avoid paying extremely high bills with the new ENEO prepaid system.

Things you need to do before applying for the new ENEO prepaid meter

1) Determine your Category

To apply for a new ENEO prepaid meter, the first thing you need to do is to choose your category.

There are 5 categories of Eneo customers and the category you fall in to, determines how much you will be charged per KWH (unit).

So if you choose the wrong category, you may end up paying extremely high bills as price per unit of electricity (KWH) varies depending on a customer’s category.

The 5 categories include;

  •  Family

This category is for the normal homes with low energy consuming appliances or households whose total energy consumption per month is often less than 150KWH.

The common single-phase prepaid meter with amperage of 15A is often installed in the house of customers who fall under this category.

Eneo customers under this category are charged 50 Fcfa/ kWh in tariff 1.

NOTE: This category is for household with low energy consumption appliances like bulbs, Flatscreen TV, clothe iron, fan etc.

If own appliances like Oven, heater or other high wattage appliances that requires high volt or intend to buy such appliances, then this category is not for you or else you may experience low voltage or some of the appliances will trip off your meter cuz the amperage assigned to this category can’t carry such appliances.

  •  Family Plus

This category for household with appliances like Oven, heater or other high wattage appliances that requires high volt.

A single-phase (2 wire) prepaid meter with amperage which range from 15A to 60A is often installed in the house of customers who fall under this category.

Eneo customers under this category are charged 70frs /KWH in tariff 1.

  •  Premium Residential

This category is suitable for storey buildings with 4 to 6 apartments in which occupants (tenants) share one meter and often use high energy consuming devices like, air conditioners, refrigerators, Kitchen blenders, heaters, oven etc.

A three-phase (4 wire) prepaid meter with amperage which range from OA to 60A is often installed in the house of customers who fall under this category.

Eneo customers under this category are charged 99frs /KWH in tariff 1.

  •  Business

As the name of this category clear suggest, this category is for the business people.

Banks and other offices with lots of computers and ACs that stays on for hours, fall under this category.

A single-phase (2 wire) prepaid meter with amperage which range from OA to 60A is often installed in the house of customers who fall under this category.

  •  Premium Professional

This category is for the Eneo customers running business with high energy consuming machines like Wood processing business operators, bakeries, grinding mill etc.

A three-phase (4 wire) prepaid meter with amperage which range from OA to 60A is often installed in the house of customers who fall under this category.

2) Apply for the ENEO prepaid meter with Amperes that will be able to run your appliances.

There are 2 types of prepaid meter which include: the single-phase meter and the three-phase meter.

After you have determine your category with the right amperes suitable for your home or business, you can then proceed to apply for an Eneo prepaid meter.

How to get the new ENEO prepaid meter

To apply for a conversion (change from a post-payment meter to a prepaid meter), send your request to or visit the Eneo agency in your city to submit your application.

For a new connection, fill in the online form at (also available on WhatsApp 695 51 11 11 ). You can also get help via Live Chat at

The cost of a new connection varies based on the estimate that the Eneo technicians draw up after a technical assessment of your electricity needs. The cost is relatively low and the kit (box, meter, circuit breaker) is currently offered by Eneo to assist customers in upgrading their metering equipment.

How Eneo prepaid Electricity is calculated (ENEO Cameroon electricity tariffs)

The amount per KWH charged by Eneo for prepaid electricity varies from one category to another.

And each of the categories has 3 tariffs with different price per KWH.

Below are the price per KWH for the 5 customer categories.

From the screenshot above, you will notice that the price per KWH you will be charged depends on the Category and tariff range that you are in.

For example, if you are in the Family category and your total number of consumed KWH (units) in a month is within O to 150KWH, you will be charged 50frs/KWH as you are still in tariff 1 in the family category. But when your total number of consumed KWH exceeds 150KWH, you will move to Tariff 2 where you will be charged 95 Frs /KWH.

Tariff 2 in the family category range from 151 KWH – 220 KWH

And when your total KWH (units) consumption in a month exceeds 220 KWH (units), you will move to tariff 3 where you will  expected to pay value added tax (VAT) and charged 95 Frs/KWH.

Consider the following simulation: You are a Family customer because you have a single-phase meter with a power rating less than or equal to 15A (this segment corresponds to social customers).

We are at the beginning of the month (your customer account has no previous post-paid debt, you have not yet bought any kWh this month), you make a refill of 5000 frs, you receive 100kWh at 50 frs per unit because from 1 to 150kWh the unit is at 50 frs, this is tariff 1. In this tariff cycle, there is just 50kWh left that you can buy in this tariff. From 151kWh onwards, you will pay tariff 2 for a unit (151 to 220kWh) and from 221 kWh onwards, it will be tariff 3 until the end of the cycle. You can buy the first 150 kWh again at 50frcs per unit from the 1st of the following month. So this is how the Eneo prepaid electricity charge is determined.

From the illustration above, you can see that even though you and your neighbour are in the same family category, you could be charged a higher price per KWH due to difference in tariff segment (your activity).

Due to the fact that price per KWH increases with increase in consumption rate with the prepaid system, its therefore not good to share a meter with many people cuz you will be charged a higher price per KWH as its very easy for you to move from the cheap tariff 1 to Tariff 2 and 3 where the price per KWH is high coupled with the VAT.

When i first got the prepaid meter i was only aware of tariff 1 (50frs/KWH) of the family category.

At the beginning of every month, i often buy KWH for 2000frs with MTN MoMo and was given 40KWH (40 units).

But after sometime i later noticed that when i buy KWH for 2000frs, I’m given 21 KWH instead of the usual 40KWH..and this often annoy me and caused me to curse MTN & ENEO. This MTN na tiff people…LOL.

However after carrying out a research about this wahala that almost gave me heart attack, i found out that there are three tariff segments in the Eneo customer category.

I was given 21 KWH instead of 40KWH, because my total number of consumed KWH (units) had exceeded 150KWH hence i was moved from tariff 1 to tariff 2 billing system.

At tariff 2 in the family category, price per KWH is 95 Frs hence with 2000frs, i was only able to get 21KWH.

What i now do to avoid paying high bills in the family category, is by purchasing 150KWH with 7500frs at the beginning of the month and try as much as possible to manage the 150KWH till the month runs out cuz i know that if i consume the 150KWH before the month runs out, i would be moved to tariff 2 billing and end up paying 95 frs per KWH and VAT if total consumption exceeds tariff 2.

NOTE: In addition to the ENEO charges, you will also be expected to pay a 100frs charge whenever you buy KWH (unit) via MTN MoMo and Orange Money.

So if you wish to buy 40KWH (40 units) of Eneo electricity with MTN MoMo, its advisable to deposit 2100 frs in to your MTN MoMo account as 100frs would be deducted as MTN charge for the transaction.

How to recharge Eneo Cameroon prepaid meters

Eneo has given its prepaid meter users various payment options that they can use to purchase prepaid meter credit (KWH).

You can buy prepaid energy credit at any time, without having to leave your home, from local ENEO partners operating all day all week in your city.

The Eneo partners include: Orange Money, MTN MoMo, YUP, Ecobank and AfrikPay.

Out of the payment options listed above, MTN MoMo and Orange money are the best payment options for ENEO prepaid electricity hence in this article, i will explain how to recharge Eneo prepaid meters with MTN MoMo and Orange Money.

How to Recharge Eneo Prepaid meter with MTN mobile money (MTN MoMo)

Below are the procedures that you need to follow in order to recharge your Eneo prepaid meter with MTN MoMo.

1) Dial *126# and select option 2 (Pay Bills/Services)
2) In the list of services, select option 1) ENEO
3) After selecting option 1, you will be asked asked if choose which type of bill you will like to pay.
Choose the second option (the prepaid bill).
4) After selecting the prepaid option, you will be required to enter your Eneo prepaid meter number (you can find your ENEO prepaid meter number on the greencard that was given to you after installation), you can also get the number by dialing 811 on the keypad.
5) After entering your meter number you will be required to enter the amount that you wish to credit your meter with. It should be noted that 1000frs is the minimum amount of money that you can buy power (KWH or unit) with.
6) After entering the amount, you will be required to enter your MTN MoMo pin to confirm the transaction.
7) After confirming the transaction, you will receive a confirmation message from MTN.
The confirmation message contains a series of numbers called TOKEN, which you need to use to add the purchased KWH (units) to your prepaid Eneo meter.
8) After you have received the token, connect your Eneo prepaid meter to one of the suckets in your house and enter your token. When done, press the enter button and the KWH will be loaded to your meter.
9) To confirm that the recently purchased KWH (units) has been added to your prepaid meter, you can check balance on Eneo prepaid-meter by dialing 801.

Like i mentioned earlier, MTN also charges 100frs for every ENEO transactions. So when transferring money to your MTN MoMo account, don’t forget to add 100frs extra.

However MTN also offers free data after every ENEO transaction.

How to recharge Eneo prepaid meter with orange money

To be able to buy Eneo electricity via Orange money, follow the steps mention below:

1) Dial #150#
2) Select 3 ( Bill payments)
3) Select 1 (ENEO)
4) Select 4 (Electricity PREPAID)
5) Select 1 (Make a prepaid recharge)
6) Enter your Eneo Meter Number (its found on your customer card as seen in the picture
below) and input the amount and your mobile money PIN.
7) You will receive a message from Orange money confirming your purchase of electricity. This message contains your meter number, the amount paid, Kwh, and the Token number (20-digits code). Take special note of the TOKEN Number and write it down.
8) Now take your Prepaid meter and input the Token Number (20-digits code you wrote down from
the orange money message) after inputting the number and press enter (the only red button on
the meter). You have successfully bought electricity for your home.
NB: Take special note of your Eneo meter reference number and the token number received after you have bought your Eneo Prepaid electricity via Orange money. These numbers will be used anytime you accept Eneo prepaid electricity via Orange money.

Ok that’s how you can recharge your Eneo prepaid meter via MTN MoMo and Orange money.

Some people often ask, what do I do if I don’t receive my token (prepaid refill code) after purchasing through a mobile payment partner?

If you do not receive your token after purchasing through a mobile money, please call Eneo Customer Relation Centre on the number 8010, send a message through Live chat on our website or Eneo email :

Some partners offer the option of recalling the purchased token, such as Orange Money via the code #150*314#, then select option 2.

How to check balance on Eneo prepaid-meter.

Like i mentioned earlier, one of the benefits of the Eneo prepaid meter is that it gives users the priviledge to monitor their daily electricity consumption and this helps them to better manage their KWH (units) and ensures that they don’t run out of credit (power) unexpectedly.

By constantly checking your Eneo prepaid meter balance, you can anticipate that you will run out of electricity credit in few hours or days time and try to make funds available for recharge before you run out of credit.

Remember! when you run out of credit, power supply will be cut off.

So how do we check balance on Eneo prepaid-meter???

Its very easy. Just simply dial 801 on the ENEO white keypad and click on enter and your remaining KWH (units) would be displayed on the screen.

It should be noted that even if you fail to check your Eneo prepaid meter balance, you will not run out of credit unexpected because the ENEO prepaid meter has been programmed to alarm when its remaining less than 9KWH in your prepaid meter.

So when you hear your prepaid meter keypad alarming, then you know that its time to recharge your Eneo prepaid meter.

And if you don’t have enough funds in your Mobile money to recharge (especially at midnight) you can borrow 10KWH (10 units)

How to borrow Eneo prepaid meter

The new Eneo prepaid meter has been criticize by Cameroonians who are of the opinion that the meter doesn’t give Cameroonians enough time to raise funds to pay their bill unlike the postpaid system.

This is not true as Eneo has made it possible for the Eneo prepaid meter users to borrow credit which also gives them extra time to raise funds.

So when you run out of credit at a time you have financial issues, you can simply borrow credit for Eneo.

Eneo gives 10 KWH on borrow.

So how do we borrow credit with Eneo prepaid meter???

Simply dial 811 on the keypad and press the enter button….and 10KWH would be loaded in to your Eneo prepaid meter.

10 KWH can last for hours or days depending on the type & number of appliances you have.

So if you notice that you are running out of KWH or run out of KWH (unit), at midnight with no money in your mobile money account to recharge your Eneo prepaid meter, you can simply borrow 10KWH from ENEO, which will take you for some few days or hours till you recharge your prepaid ENEO meter…and when you recharge, 10KWH will be deducted.

For example after borrowing, 10KWH and you later recharge your prepaid meter with 40KWH, what will be loaded in your meter would be 30KWH (as 10KWH would be deducted from the 40KWH).

Important Eneo prepaid meter codes

Like i mentioned earlier, after the Eneo technicians have installed the prepaid Eneo meter, they will give you a green card which has your meter number and a series of USSD codes that you would be using to manage your prepaid meter.

Below are some of the Eneo prepaid meter codes and their uses…

1) 801 – Check your Eneo prepaid meter balance using this code
2) 800 – Used to check
2) 811 – Used to borrow KWH with Eneo prepaid meter
3) 804 – Used to check your Eneo prepaid meter number
4) 820 – Used to check your energy consumption for the previous month

Eneo Cameroon Customer Care for inquiries about Eneo prepaid meter application and issues

1. WhatsApp: Contact 699119911
2. Eneo Cameroon email for prepaid meter inquiries :

Ok we have come to the end of the Eneo prepaid meter guide.

If you need more information about the Eneo prepaid meter, WhatsApp me.

If you are residing in Limbe, you can also invite me for a 1 on 1 lecture about Eneo prepaid meter for a little token.

I can also buy Eneo prepaid meter credit for you.


  1. Thank you very much for the detailed explanations. At least I now understand everything about the eneo prepaid meter. Remain blessed.

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